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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/30257
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    Title: 第三十四號公報重分類盈餘管理動機與財務報表價值攸關性之研究
    Authors: 周吟霞
    Contributors: 蘇瓜藤
    Keywords: 重分類
    Earnings management
    Value relevance
    Corporate governance
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 17:32:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 為因應金融風暴所造成的金融資產巨大評價損失,國際會計準則委員會於2008年10月13日發布有關金融資產重分類的修正條文,我國財務會計準則委員會因而亦於2008年10月17日隨之修訂第34號準則,並發布金融資產重分類之新規定。然而公司管理當局是否利用對金融資產重分類而進行盈餘管理,可能隨著公司治理良窳而有不同,是一個有待實證之問題。


    To respond to the financial crisis that caused huge losses of financial assets to companies, the IASB announced, on October 13, 2008, amendments to IAS 39 and IFRS 7 “Reclassification of Financial Assets”. As a result, Taiwan’s FASB also announced, on October 17, 2008, amendments to its SFAS No.34. It is therefore an empirical question whether or not firms in Taiwan managed earnings by retroactively reclassifying financial assets on financial statements, that likely depends on the soundness of corporate governance.

    This research aims to examine the value relevance of financial statements information after the retroactive reclassification of financial assets based on the revised SFAS No. 34. Firstly, this research investigates whether or not listed firms in Taiwan retroactively adopted SFAS No. 34. Secondly, this research examines the value relevance of their reclassified financial statements and the association with corporate governance.

    The empirical results are as follows. Firstly, the better or worse a firm performed, the less it would be willing to retroactively adopt the revised SFAS No. 34. Secondly, the more independent its board of directors, the less it would be willing to to retroactively adopt the revised SFAS No. 34. Finally, the reclassified financial statements were still value relevant.

    Keywords: Reclassification, Earnings management, Value
    relevance, Corporate governance.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096353037
    Data Type: thesis
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