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Title: | 信用評等與資本結構 Credit Ratings and Capital Structure |
Authors: | 李瑞瑜 LEE, JUI YU |
Contributors: | 林宛瑩 Lin, Wan Ying 李瑞瑜 LEE, JUI YU |
Keywords: | 信用評等 資本結構 credit ratings capital structure |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:30:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以2001至2006年台灣上市、上櫃公司為研究對象,探討信用評等與資本結構的關係。參考Kisgen (2006),以融資順位理論和靜態抵換理論為基礎,本研究探討:(1) 面臨信用評等調等之公司,是否會減少其負債水準,以避免(促使)信用評等調降(調升),(2) 面臨信用評等調等之公司,是否會背離融資順位理論及靜態抵換理論,而減少長期債務水準。
分析信用評等調等對資本結構理論之影響之實證結果顯示,在納入信用評等變數後,面臨信用評等調等之公司有較高傾向背離融資順位理論和靜態抵換理論,進一步減少其長期債務之水準。 Based on a sample of listed companies in Taiwan over the period of 2001 to 2006, this research investigates the relationship between credit ratings and capital structure. Refers to Kisgen (2006), and result on the Pecking order theory and the Static trade-off theory, this research examines:(1) whether firms near a credit ratings upgrade or downgrade would issue less debt relative to equity. (2) whether firms near a credit ratings upgrade or downgrade would issue less long-term debts and thus depart from the Pecking order theory and the Static trade-off theory.
The findings reveals that credit ratings is an important factor to determination of capital structure. The results show that firms near a credit ratings upgrade or downgrade would issue less debt relative to equity. The findings also indicates that firms are more inclined to avoid the downgrade of their credit ratings than to instigate the upgrade of their credit ratings. Such phenomena is more obviously for larger firms.
In addition, this research also finds that firms near a credit rating upgrade or downgrade would issue less long-term debts and thus depart from the Pecking order theory and the Static trade-off theory, after taking their credit ratings into consideration. |
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