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Title: | 集團企業轉投資與公司價值關聯性之研究 A Study on the Relationship between Cross-Holding Investments and Corporation Value of Conglomerate |
Authors: | 詹涵芬 Chan, Han Fen |
Contributors: | 鄭丁旺 詹涵芬 Chan, Han Fen |
Keywords: | 集團企業 轉投資 資訊透明度 公司價值 conglomerate investment information transparency corporate value |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:29:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文以國內1997-2006年之上市櫃集團為研究對象,探討集團企業內相互轉投資所造成的市值高估現象及其對公司價值的影響,並深入各集團分子企業探討不同轉投資標的對公司價值之影響。實證結果顯示集團企業內各分子企業相互轉投資的確造成集團市值高估之現象,而投資人對於該現象,給予集團企業整體負向評價。此外,就集團內各分子企業而言,轉投資於上市櫃公司由於資訊透明度相較於轉投資於非上市櫃公司為佳,故對於公司價值負面影響較不嚴重;而轉投資於集團內其他分子企業相較於投資集團外企業,由於關係企業間之交易揭露仍不透明,操縱可能性較高,故對於公司價值呈負面影響,後兩者實證研究都再次證明資訊透明度與公司價值間之正向關係。 This study explores the double counting effect and the relationship between that effect and the corporate value resulting from cross-holding among firms in a conglomerate, and also explores the relationship between different type of investing objects and the corporate value by using a sample of companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter during 1997-2006.
Our empirical analysis indicates that cross-holdings among firms in a conglomerate resulted in overvaluation of the group, and investors responded to them negatively. In addition, member companies in the conglomerate investing in companies listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange or Over the Counter did not so negatively influence the corporate value as compared to investing in companies not listed in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Over the Counter mainly because of the information transparency. Furthermore, the information among conglomerate trading is still opaque and the possibility of manipulation is higher, so investment within the conglomerate as compared to outside companies has negative impact on corporate value. The above findings both proved a positive relationship between information transparency and corporate value. |
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