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Title: | 實施目標成本制所遭遇及需急迫解決問題之個案研究 |
Authors: | 顧秦芬 Ku, Chin fen |
Contributors: | 王文英 顧秦芬 Ku, Chin fen |
Keywords: | 目標成本制 遭遇問題 Target costing difficulties |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:29:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業面對全球競爭,所壓縮利潤必需降低更多成本。目標成本制重視源流管理,從新產品設計階段開始掌控成本,為有效成本管理工具。擬採用企業除期待目標成本制帶來成效外,對於可能遭遇問題亦是關注。但相關文獻十分缺乏,值得深入研究。
「技術母廠的溝通及許可」:技術母廠掌控設計造成諸多限制。 In competitive environment, enterprises need to decrease cost to prohibit profit keeping diminish. Target Costing advances the time of cost-down evaluation to the product design and development stage. It’s an effective cost management system. Enterprises not only expect the effect after adopting but also beware of difficulties during implementation. But there are few relative researches in the world. It is worthy of closer study.
The purpose of study is to explore the urgency difficulties during implementation. It can be an advice to enterprises to avoid incurring same difficulties.
The conclusions of this study are:
1.Case companies suffered all the difficulties. By factor analysis, all the difficulties can be divided into seven aspects.
2.The same urgent difficulties are “setting and achieving target costs” and “acquiring and measuring information”.
3.The different urgent difficulties and the causes are:
“Internal conflict and time management”: The implementation-time was not long enough; organization structure needs to be adjusted.
“Value chain and produce innovation”: It was too late to make collaborative development. The qualities and capacities of supplies were uncertainty.
“Communication and permission from parent manufacturing companies”: Enterprise was been constrained by lack of design right from parent manufacturing company. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 95353026 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095353026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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