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    题名: 智慧資本揭露之效益及其影響因素之研究
    作者: 陳純綾
    Chen, Chun-Ling
    贡献者: 王文英
    Chen, Chun-Ling
    关键词: 智慧資本揭露
    IC-related information disclosure
    electronic industry
    company property
    company value
    effects of IC disclosure
    日期: 2006
    上传时间: 2009-09-11 17:26:01 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在現今知識經濟的世紀中,智慧資本已成為企業獲取競爭優勢的關鍵要素。
    三、「公司規模」、「獲利能力」、「公司年齡」、「智慧資本降加價值係數(VAICTM )」
    In this knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital is the key factor to help
    firms get its competitive advantage. As intellectual capital is more and more important,
    many enterprises gradually disclose IC-related information in annual reports or other
    ways. With more IC-related information disclosures, it could build a bridge to
    communicate between enterprises, investors, and creditors.
    To sum up the above-mentioned, intellectual capital disclosure and report is more
    and more significant with time. IC-related information discourses can make investors
    and stakeholders understand the value and potential of the company much more. Prior
    research indicates disclosing information could reduce the average cost of capital and
    increase company’s stock value and reduce analyst forecast errors. Information
    disclosure can make investors revise upward valuations of the company’s stocks and
    increase stock liquidity. Therefore, for companies, they should disclose IC-related
    information in order to bring effects. But, which kind of company would affect
    IC-related information and affect the relation between IC-related information and its
    effects is also worth to investigate further.
    If we can find out deficiency of company’s IC-related information with above
    analysis, it will be believed to give some appropriate suggestions in order to match
    market’s needs. Disclosing IC-related information is aimed to react the company’s
    real value.
    In this study, collecting data and statistics analysis are used. The public firms in
    the electronic industry are the objects of the thesis. We fund that:
    1. There is a positive and significant correlation between IC disclosure and market
    2. Company size, leverage, and age will affect IC-related information disclosure
    3. Company size, profitability, age, and VAIC TM will affect the relation between
    IC-related information disclosure and its effects (market capitalization)
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094353011
    数据类型: thesis
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