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Title: | 研發支出與分析師預測關聯性之研究:產業專精度之影響 |
Authors: | 李慧珍 Hui-Chen,Lee |
Contributors: | 金成隆 李慧珍 Hui-Chen,Lee |
Keywords: | 分析師預測 研發費用 產業專家 Analyst forecast R&D Industry expertise |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:25:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 分析師扮演著公司與投資大眾之間的資訊中介者角色。本文旨在探討企業研發支出對分析師預測品質的影響,以及企業聘雇屬於產業專家會計師是否能夠緩和研發支出所引發的盈餘管理及代理問題,並進而改善分析師預測品質。本文援引Balsam (2003)之定義,計算會計師事務所於各產業之市場佔有率(auditor industry market share)。作為產業專家之代理變數。實證結果發現:(1)分析師離散性與整合分析師間私有利益的程度,與公司研發費用多寡有關。研發費用愈高的公司,分析師的離散程度及整合分析師間的私有利益也愈高;(2)透過產業專家查核,可以緩和研發費用支出所引發的盈餘操縱及代理問題,因此研究發展費用透過產業專家會計師查核,可以提升企業的會計盈餘資訊品質,以降低分析師盈餘預測的離散程度及降低分析師間整合私有資訊的利益。 Analysts, as an informational intermediary, produce research reports that include forecasts of future earnings, thus fulfill an important role in capital market. The objective of this paper is to investigate the association between analyst forecast’s quality and firm’s R&D expenditure. Recent work has hypothesized that intangible assets affect analyst forecast’s quality. Extending this literature, we hypothesized that firm seek to reduce the degree of earnings’ management and agency’s cost from R&D expenditure by retaining high quality auditor firms, auditor industry expertise, and then increase analyst forecast’s quality. We measure auditor industry expertise based on Balsam (2003). We find that more R&D expenditure increases analyst forecast’s dispersion and enhances the benefits of aggregating individual analysts’ forecasts. Consistent with our hypothesis, we document that auditor industry expertise can mitigate the degree of earnings’ management and agency’s cost from R&D expenditure. We also find that firms retaining auditor industry expertise are more likely to enhance the accounting information quality, decrease analyst forecast’s dispersion, and eliminate the benefits of aggregating individual analysts’ forecasts. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 94353001 95 |
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Data Type: | thesis |
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