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    Title: 我國資訊電子業研發部門特質對經營績效之影響
    Authors: 黃曉惠
    Contributors: 歐進士

    Keywords: 研發人員
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 17:19:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 二十一世紀的競爭環境,由已傳統技術的競爭轉變成創意、智慧的競爭,企業惟有穩固技術根基並強化研發能力,才能維持競爭力並長期生存,研發人員為研究發展活動之重要投入因子,研發人員之素質更是研發成果及公司經營成果之關鍵,其對公司生產力之提升及產品、製程的開發均有相當之貢獻,藉由創意的產生,可開發新產品、進入新市場、增加營業收入及顧客滿意度;藉由改良製程及技術,可提高生產效率、降低製造成本、減少費用、提高產品良率,本研究認為研發人員之素質愈好,經營績效愈佳,因此擬探討研發人員之特質對經營績效是否有顯著之影響。
    The competition environment of 21 century has changed its style from a competition on technology in tradition to a competition of creativity and intelligence. The only way for an enterprise to maintain its capability to compete and survive for a long time is to strengthen its research and development (R&D) capability. The quality of researchers is the key point in the achievement of R&D. It also has a great contribution to the promotion of productivity of a company and the development of products and manufacturing processes. With their creativity, researchers introduce new products into markets and increase both sales and customers’ satisfaction. By improving manufacturing processes and technology, they increase the production efficiency, decrease manufacturing cost and the rate of defective products.
    This study examined the association between attributes of researchers of enterprise and profitability of enterprise or R&D productivity with regression model. Other factors that affect profitability and productivity are considered at the same time their influence on operating performance. R&D human capital intensity, researchers’ education level, internal experience, industrial experience and proportion of male researchers are chosen as independent variables in this study; gross profit ratio, operating income ratio and patent ratio of both the current year and the next year are dependent variables. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of researchers’ attributes have on profitability of enterprise and R&D productivity.
    The sample of this study is information and electronic companies listed on TSE and ROSE in Taiwan. The result of the research supports the hypothesis posed in this study since either profitability of enterprise or R&D productivity correlates positively with R&D human capital intensity and researchers’ internal experience. However, there is a negative correlation between researchers’ average industrial experience and operating performance. The result suggests that industrial experience correlates negatively with operating performance is caused by the inappropriateness for an elder to be a researcher. The result of this study can provide valuable information for information and electronic companies as they make decision of human resource management.
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