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Title: | 以平衡計分卡概念建構我國證券經紀商績效評估模式 |
Authors: | 高啟仁 |
Contributors: | 康榮寶 高啟仁 |
Keywords: | 證券經紀商 績效評估 平衡計分卡 線性結構模式 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:18:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究利用平衡計分卡的觀念,嘗試建立我國證券商的績效衡量指標,以利未來證券商評估各營業處所的績效。本研究選擇平衡計分卡作為建立證券經紀商績效衡量指標之理論基礎,主要在於平衡計分卡中具有多層面變數結構,對於績效衡量指標的建立具有多元化及加權平均多績效衡量指標的研究方法。
本研究藉由實證方式,試圖分析各構面之關係。在因素相關中,財務構面與風險構面為正相關,與顧客構面為正相關,與內部流程構面為正相關及與學習與成長構面為正相關;風險構面與顧客構面為正相關,與內部流程構面為正相關及與學習與成長構面為負相關;顧客構面與內部流程構面為正相關及與學習與成長構面為正相關;內部流程構面與學習與成長構面為負相關。在迴歸結果中,應變數為財務構面而自變數為風險構面,則為正向係數;應變數為風險構面而自變數為顧客構面與內部流程構面,則皆為正向係數;應變數為財務構面而自變數為內部流程構面與風險構面,則皆為正向係數;應變數為財務構面而自變數為內部流程構面、風險構面與學習與成長構面下,亦皆為正向係數之關係。在線性結構模式(LISREL Model)分析下,可得到各構面之線性關係模式以及各因素對各構面之影響情況,內部流程構面乃正向影響顧客構面與並對財務構面有所影響,風險構面正向影響財務構面並對顧客構面有所影響,顧客構面亦正向影響了財務構面。 This study, based on concept of balance scorecard, had tried to construct the performance measurement model, in order to evaluate the security brokers’ performance. By using the concept of balance scorecard, it can provide the multi-perspectives to evaluate the performance.
After studying the theory and case of broker, we suggest the brokers’ performance measurement model include five perspectives. They are financial, customer, internal process, learning and growth, and the key factor of brokers’ operation—risk management.
This study tried to examine the relationship between each perspective by empirical approach. In factor analysis, the relationship between financial and other perspectives were positive, risk and other perspectives except learning and growth were positive, customer and other perspectives were positive, internal process and learning and growth were negative. In regression models, all coefficients of explanatory variables were positive. In LISREL model analysis, internal process affected customer perspective positively, and risk affected financial perspective positively. |
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