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Title: | 汽車產業與智慧財產經營模式之研究-提升產業之經營策略以輪圈業為例 The Business model of intellectual property management in automotive industrythe management strategy in upgrading the traditianl industry, utilizing alloy wheel industry as case study |
Authors: | 黃翊珽 |
Contributors: | 劉江彬 黃翊珽 |
Keywords: | 供應鏈 鋁輪圈業 專利行銷 營業秘密 汽車產業 智慧財產行銷 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:16:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究在探討汽車零件商智慧財產相關議題與經營模式,汽車產業長久以來屬一個封閉的產業,傳統的供應鏈一直以來由製造商所主導,由中心廠根據其設計理念、市場需求、法規規範,安全性與舒適性及環保等多功能需求下,制訂規範與認證方式。儘管各車廠的認證體系與規範各有所不同以及零件商之屬性不同,對於汽車零件供應商來說,共同特點即無論是何種零配件的開發設計與製造,光是簡單的模具設計,動輒開發費用就需五、六百萬,以及經過連續性的試產與樣品送至中心廠之研發測試中心與第三單位等種種繁雜的與冗長之程序認證,這場競賽就像是馬拉松式之賽跑,需要高精密技術、資金、與人力密集。
(一) 供應商因增加經濟規模,增加營收。
(二) 供應商遵循之各車廠規範與認證方式,汽車廠也因整併之故,統整其規範,供應商也因此減少其開發與管理成本。
(三) 藉由中心廠之整併,供應商由原先之供應鏈體系進而擴展其新市場。
儘管智慧財產之管理行之有年,輪圈業也因法規與客戶之需求,創新之技術日新月異,許多長久之know-how 並未妥善之管理,輪圈業者今後需加快建立完整的智慧財產管理,並實際應用其作為行銷之手法。
試圖由研究個案建立起一套完整的管理流程,針對核心技術之管理與行銷之商業模式,建構流程和步驟。並延伸將核心技術受專利或營業秘密保護之後,對內以技術人員專門管理之規範,對外以專利,內部know-how 進而經營輪圈業之品牌。 This research aims to discuss the intellectual property management in automotive industry. For a long time, the value chain of automotive industry is controlled by the automotive manufactures. Specification and plant certification are different according to each manufacture’s requirement, such as market, regulations, safety and so on. However, it needs to takes lots of time and money to be the one of the automotive family. This expensive prolonged process involves high technology, investment and man-power.
Besides, the international market becomes open under the influence of many global economic organizations, for example WTO. Therefore, the Taiwan’s suppliers are the threatened by not only the US or European’s suppliers, but also the China or India suppliers with cheaper labor cost and raw material.
Taiwan’s suppliers had abundant experiences, including R&D, know-how and customer relationship management. However, those intangible properties were ignored for a long time by most suppliers and the information was not treated as important trade secrets and preserved properly. Those suppliers are situated in a crucial moment. From one side, the prices competition becomes intensified in the market. From the other side, without proper preservation, there will be a gap of professional technology in the company. Therefore, this thesis will focus on how to promote Taiwan manufacture industry on the basis of the abundant experiences of Taiwan and develop a route into the blue ocean strategy.
This research will be focus on the automotive suppliers. We will apply alloy wheel industry as case study. The thesis will describe how a company can pass the certification and participate in the group of automotive family. Besides, the discussion will connect product R&D, wheel structure, and production technology to brand management. How to make innovations into intellectual property and the IP management would be the main concerns of this research.
Before the discussion on the wheel industry, we will need to know about the current condition of automotive industry.
A. The automotive industry
The research discovers that the automotive market were controlled by the biggest ten automotive manufactures due to company merger and acquisition. The action of merge and acquisition can increase the market share and the brand value and bring new product technology by sharing trademark and resource to the manufactures.
The merger and acquisition by manufactures also changes the supplier’s situation and bring suppliers the following success in the future:
1. The supplier increase the sales due to new market expanded.
2. The supplier could decrease the management cost of specification and certification due to the merger and acquisition between automotive makers.
3. The supplier increases its market share due to the manufacture’s merger.
Besides, China and Indian will become the biggest market of automotive industry because of the economic growth in both countries.
B. The supply chain of automotive industry is long and complicated.
The sales channels of automotive components can be divided into two ways, OEM and After Market. This research will explain the different certification and collaboration between those two ways and apply alloy wheels as case study.
The automotive industry is a highly vertical integrated industry from the raw material management to product logistic. This research will elaborate the automotive supply chain and further discuss the value chain between tier 1 and tier 2. We will also discuss about how to manage the supply chain and to create profits from the value chain. It can be done through the decrease of the exchange cost, the purchase low-risked components, the vertical integration of industry and the joint venture.
C. The intellectual property management in alloy wheel industry
In this research, the patent strategy, marketing management and market share of each alloy wheel manufacture will be analyzed to elaborate the patent situation of alloy wheel industry. Form the analysis, we can find that over-filing patents in some American alloy wheel manufactures caused the disclosure of trade secret to their rival companies. On the other hand, some Taiwan suppliers ignore the protection of intellectual property. As a result, their core competence will not be developed.
This research will choose two famous alloy wheel companies, Super Alloy and Rosta as case study. Both companies are typical companies of traditional manufacturers in Taiwan. From the analysis of the two cases, we can understand the position of Taiwan’s suppliers of the world.
The Rosta Group has been in the alloy wheel industry over 30 years. It maintains its international business through the connection with foreign manufactures. Except for the customer relationship, the excellent foundry technology is well-recognized by its customers. However, in past 10 years, China and Indian suppliers offer cheaper price by their lower manufacturing cost. The low cost strategy brought the impact of the market share and original profits of Rosta Group. The research will analyze the Rosta Group by SWOT. The advantage of Rosta group will be its abundant experience and excellent production technology. How to transform the intangible capital into the profitable intellect property will be the main concern of this case study. The thesis suggests to choose the products of higher production technology and high profits, to well apply the trademark value or to offer technology consulting for new suppliers who want to start its alloy wheel business. The conclusion will be a advice of the market strategy for Rosta Group to differentiae from China suppliers.
The Super Alloy was a manufacture of golf iron head in the beginning. In 2003, it started its automotive business. The Super Alloy is strong at its forge technology. It was also chosen as the best 50 profit private companies in 2008. How to maintain the competency and manage the intangible asset would be the key point of this case study.
Though the concept of intellectual property has been promoted for years, it is more practiced in the high technology industry. For the alloy wheel industry, the know-how of design, structure and production technology was not maintained and managed properly. It is suggested that the wheel suppliers should develop an intellectual property management and apply it in marketing strategy.
Through the case study, the thesis will try to build a complete managing process of intellectual property, step by step, including protection of core technology and marketing strategy of business model. Besides, the trade secret management, the patent management, the management and promotion of trademark will also be involved in discussion. 第一章 緒論 頁數
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的與方法………………………………………………2
第三節 研究架構………………………………………………………4
第二章 汽車產業之概述
第一節 全球汽車產業概述………………………………………………8
第二節 汽車產業之產業特性……………………………………………17
第三節 汽車零件廠之供應鏈體系………………………………………25
第四節 小結………………………………………………………………43
第三章 輪圈業之產業鏈,供應鏈和價值鏈暨其產品結構
第一節 國內外技術簡介……………………………………………………48
第二節 輪圈業之市場分析…………………………………………………58
第三節 輪圈業之供應鏈與價值鏈之分析…………………………………72
第四節 小結…………………………………………………………………79
第四章 汽車產業智慧財產之行銷與授權
第一節 競爭優勢之理論………………………………………………………82
第二節 智慧財產權之管理……………………………………………………86
第三節 輪圈業之智慧財產之行銷……………………………………………103
第一小節 智慧財產之行銷……………………………………………………103
第二小節 智慧財產之行銷……………………………………………………108
第四節 小結……………………………………………………………………113
第五章 個案分析
第一節 巧新工業個案分析………………………………………………………116
第二節 源恆工業個案分析………………………………………………………123
第三節 小結………………………………………………………………………129
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………………131
第二節 建議……………………………………………………………………137
附錄………………………………………………………………………………144 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 智慧財產研究所 92361011 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923610111 |
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