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Title: | Product Line and Brand Management: The Implication of Taiwanese Motorcycle Manufacturers |
Authors: | 李佳陵 |
Contributors: | 陳建維 李佳陵 |
Keywords: | 生產線 品牌管理 Product Line Brand Management |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:13:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Taiwan’s recent population is growing in a declining rate, where an aging population era has arrived and struck us. The reality that only a fixed number of potential users will continue consuming motorcycle product goods has shrunk the market to an even smaller size since each household may not require as many transportation tools as they might have used to do because most of the family size structure is becoming small. On top of that, governmental policy on pushing for construction project of Metropolitan Railway Transportation (MRT) that basically benefits the general public with inexpensive convenient rides from east to west and north to south. Such construction projects have made the public eventually rely less on scooters as a necessary and convenient transportation tool. Instead, the public perceives MRT is rather time and money saving than scooters. Nonetheless, along with the growth of GDP per capita and the increasing reliance on public transportation means, the public has begun to change their perceptions on what and how they use motorcycles.
The purpose of this research is to understand and investigate the relationship of the three key motorcycle players, namely, Yamaha Motors (YMT), San Yang Motors (SYM) and Kymco Motors’ (KYMCO) brand management system and their product lines decision. Since the more diversified one’s products lines is, the more complicated the process could be to manage both parent and family brand. In addition, the decision of extending one’s products lines and the synergy effects of such extensions bringing to the product equity and the entire business are worthy of studying. Since these are likely to affect how each company invests resources in R&D and market expansion. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 92351046 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923510461 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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