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Title: | 電信競爭與專利策略之研究 A Study on Telecom Competition and Patent Strategy |
Authors: | 方修忠 |
Contributors: | 林柏生 方修忠 |
Keywords: | 電信 產業鏈 專利 策略 專利策略 專利分析 Telecom Value chain Patent Strategy Patent strategy Patent analysis |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:05:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 專注於科技創新並將之轉化為智慧財產權的應用,可說是通訊產業競爭的關鍵因素;專利不但是通訊科技演變與進步的註腳,也相當程度地解釋了為什麼Ericsson與Nokia之所以屹立不搖,為何Qualcomm得以崛起,為何Ericsson與Sony要合資成立索尼愛立信,又為何NTT DoCoMo的i-mode得以成為今日全世界最成功的無線上網服務,而Lucent與Siemens又為什麼無奈地逐漸淡出市場?答案就是科技的創新與管理!
關鍵字:電信、產業鏈、專利、策略、專利策略、專利分析 Focusing on innovation and make it a strategy of IPR is one of the sustainable factors of telecom operation in such a fierce competition. Why Nokia and Ericsson keep their competitiveness ? Why NTT DoCoMo and its i-mode are so successful ? Why Lucent and Siemens both fall behind from their telecom competitors ? The same reason in common is technology innovation and management.
Patent strategy primarily includes 3 parts,which are obtaining patent rights, creating patent value, and enforcing them. Patent strategy should run with Marketing strategy so as to apply patents as an isolating mechanism to deterrent other competitors, and to leverage patents to maximize income or using patents as bargaining chips to strengthen companys’ position in dealing with the third parties, as well as to defend themselves against patents owned by others. As a result, patent decisions become sources of dynamic capabilities in the never ended competition.
In this paper, 2 qualitative analysis researches are presented. First, there are several patent award lists of Taiwan’s three major mobile companies breaking down by ROC, USA and PRC respectively. Secondly, 5 in-depth interviews with 4 high rank managers of Fareastone and it patent law firm were made to show how FET perform it patent strategy against a service product made by another mobile company and software company.
This thesis is to provide telecom companies with a successful case study in formulating a patent strategy and expects to raise the suggestion for managers in telecom industries regarding the strategic importance of patents and patents management should be part of the “Entrepreneurship”.
Keywords: Telecom, value chain, Patent, Strategy, Patent strategy, Patent analysis |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 91932123 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091932123 |
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