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Title: | 年輕人的幻想與消費幻想之初探與架構建立 Initial Research and Framework-Building of Young Person’s Fantasy and Consumption Fantasy |
Authors: | 李德儀 Lee,Teh Yi |
Contributors: | 別蓮蒂 Bei,Lien Ti 李德儀 Lee,Teh Yi |
Keywords: | 幻想 消費幻想 Fantasy Consumption Fantasy Psychogenic Needs |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:58:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的主題是探討一種較為特殊的消費動機—以滿足幻想為出發點而產生的消費行為,稱之為「消費幻想」。此概念雖偶爾被應用於一些特殊產品的廣告或行銷手法,但過去並沒有相關的消費者行為研究給予完整深入的探討。
完整的消費幻想循環過程,起源於消費者內心未獲滿足的六大心因性需求(Murray, 1959) :與非生命相關事物、抱負權力相關、與人性能力相關、施虐受虐、與人際情感相關、及與社會交往相關等。當需求產生,消費者會因為緊張感而產生一股驅力,促使幻想產生,當單純幻想已無法滿足消費者內心的需求時,此時消費者就會進一步尋求能滿足幻想的消費行為,此時產生的消費行為便是消費幻想。此外,媒介或自我的誘發 (Belk, 2003),除了可以直接刺激幻想的產生,同時也具有提升幻想轉化成消費的能力。
本研究最後提出與幻想及消費幻想相關的19個命題,並建構出幻想與消費行為間之完整循環模型與分析架構。研究結果將可提供給行銷人員,一個運用消費幻想的觀念架構及應用觀念,並可供後續相關學術進一步發展消費幻想量表之參考。 The study aims to investigate a special and unique consumption motivation – “Consumption Fantasy”, which is a fantasy-driven consumption behavior. Even though having been applied to a few product promotions or advertisements, the concept has rarely been explored in Consumer Behavior related researches so far.
Complete process of consumption fantasy starts at six unfulfilled psychogenic needs: “Needs Associated with Inanimate Objects”, “Needs that Reflect Ambition, Power, Accomplishment, and Prestige”, “Needs Concerned with Human Power”, “Sado-masochistic Needs”, “Needs Concerned with Affection Between People”, and “Needs Concerned With Social Intercourse” (Murray, 1959). Then anxiety caused by unfulfilled needs will drive consumers to produce fantasies. When simply fantasizing cannot satisfy needs, consumers will even transform fantasy into real consumption. Besides, media seduction or self-seduction, the same as needs, have abilities to arouse fantasies and to encourage consumption fantasies.
Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted. Fourteen female and six male interviewees whose ages range from 21 to 28 years old provided separately 137 and 47 fantasies. The results reveal that “Corresponding Role” and “Corresponding Scene” within three major fantasy contents: “Characters”, “Scenes”, and “Abstract Feelings” will stimulate corresponding consumption while “Specific Identity” and “Developing Scene” encourage non-corresponding consumption mostly. However, whatever the content is, fantasy can be segmented into different points of view by four dimensions: degree of “Distance and Inaccessibility”, degree of “Experience Relatedness”, degree of “Fineness”, and degree of “Persistency”. Fantasy is therefore can be divided into 8 viewpoints: “Accessible”, “Inaccessible”, “Experience-Based”, “Imagination-Based”, “Sophisticated”, “Intuitional”, “Persistent”, and “Situational”.
Moreover, in consumption fantasy loop, no matter the former and current unfulfilled needs are the same or not, as long as they are satisfied by the same fantasy content, the fantasy strength will get stronger, and its capability of driving consumption will be enhanced, too. So far, we can be sure about how powerful fantasy is towards consumption.
Nineteen propositions are stated. Complete model of fantasy and consumption is built, and analyzing framework of consumption fantasy is established firmly by the study. And the results will not only be useful for marketers in consumer-exploration, but offer valuable reference material for the academia. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 92355036 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923550361 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理學系] 學位論文
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