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Title: | 寵物食品業面對多重通路衝突的行銷策略 - 以美商艾汾臺灣分公司為例 |
Authors: | 吳勝良 Wu, Sheng Liang |
Contributors: | 洪順慶 吳勝良 Wu, Sheng Liang |
Keywords: | 寵物食品 多重通路衝突 寵物店 動物醫院 行銷通路 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:55:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究觀察臺灣的狗食市場,並且選擇兩家動物醫院與三間的寵物商店進行深入訪談,從訪談過程中發現在專業市場通路裡的動物醫院和寵物店之間明顯存在經營邏輯與對狗食商品定位截然不同的期待,這種對於狗食的期待不同,形成狗食品牌經營者在產品定位、包裝規格、定價策略與促銷安排上,對不同的通路型態,必須制訂不同的行銷策略,以避免不理性的通路衝突,而造成行銷資源的浪費與消費者對品牌認同的干擾。
多重通路衝突現象在寵物食品業確實存在,寵物店或動物醫院都不希望本身所販賣的狗食在其他通路也有販售,深怕其他通路因為販售目的的不一致,而造成促銷價格難以掌控的困擾,尤其是其他通路開啟價格戰時,可能進而被消費者貼上黑店記號,或是有利潤減損與存貨滯銷的風險。利潤是影響專業市場通路業者是否推薦某一品牌狗食的主要考量,而價格的限定與依通路別區隔產品,是通路利潤能否確保的主要關鍵,因此本研究提供作為企業在面對多重通路型態時,價格訂定與行銷策略制訂之參考。 From the study of Taiwan Dog food market and the in-depth interviews with 2 Vet Clinics and 3 Pet Shops, it was identified that significant difference existed in the business model and role of Dog food in their overall product portfolio between Vet clinics and Pet Shops in Taiwan, although these two store types were both classified as the “Specialty Trade” channel for Petcare products. Given this different expectation for selling Dog food, it was inevitable for Dog food suppliers to provide different product offerings and marketing mix for different trade customers, in order to avoid the irrational trade conflicts, wastage in brand investment and consumers’confusion about brand image.
From the results of those in-depth interviews, we also developed questionnaire to conduct quantitative research on 467 Pet Shops and 297 animal hospitals that had business with the 13 regional distributors under Mars Foods Taiwan. The questionnaire composed of three major sections, which were: Purposes for selling Dog food, Major factors in brand selection and choices of distributors.
Based on those responded questionnaires, it showed that, in terms of selling objectives, both Pet shops and Vet clinics were quite similar in the pursuit of profit, providing one-stop shopping for pet owners and generating additional demand for other services items, although Pet shops were also keen to drive incremental sales of other products. In the selection of Dog food brands, Pet shops cared more about consumer promotion, consumers’ preference for the brands and the offering of sample packs and feeding booklets, while animal hospitals concerned more with origins of country and functional benefits. As to the selecting criteria for local Petfood distributors, there was no major variance in their expectation/request on the salesmen or logistics service between these two store types.
“Multiple channel conflicts” truly existed in Petfood market, as both Pet shops and Vet clinics did not want to see the same products also available in the other grocery channels with the fear of consumers’ complaints caused by other channel’s inconsistent pricing and different selling strategy on Dog food. In particular, the price war on Petfood among major retailers may get consumers mad about the Pet shops or Vet clinics and cause negative impact on their margin and inventory of the same dog food brands. It was crucial for suppliers to provide stable trade margin to earn the recommendation from Pet shops and vet clinics by strict cross-channel pricing control and channel-specific products offering, as profit was the most important motivator for “Specialty Trade” customers. This study provided a couple of initial thoughts for marketers to better deal with the pricing management and marketing strategy across multiple trade channels. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 90932504 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0909325041 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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