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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/29942
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    Title: 客服中心服務品質對顧客滿意度及忠誠度之研究—以信用卡為例
    Authors: 黃怡音
    Contributors: 樓永堅
    Keywords: 客服中心
    call center
    service quality
    credit card
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:54:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   過去有關服務品質的研究大都以服務的特性(如可靠度、反應力等等..)做為服務品質的構面去探討每一構面對整體服務品質的影響,本研究則以服務的種類做為服務品質的構面去探討不同服務的服務品質對整體服務品質的影響。
    根據Grönroos (1990) 對服務所做的分類,本研究將服務分成核心服務、輔助服務以及支援性服務,探討這三種服務對整體服務品質的影響力。
    此外,在Zeithaml & Bitner (1996) 所提出的「顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖」中認為滿意度直接受到知覺服務品質、知覺產品品質、知覺價格的影響,本研究便據此去探討整體服務品質對顧客滿意度的影響。此外,更進一步去探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。


    本研究以服務的分類去探討不同種類服務對整體服務品質的影響,並與Zeithaml & Bitner所提出的架構做一連結,提供未來學術研究在探討影響服務品質的構面時一個新的方向。
      In the past, in the literature research on service quality, the characteristics of service such as reliability, responsiveness, and etc. were regarding as the dimensions of service quality to study the influence of each dimension on whole service quality. This research is taking the category of service quality as the dimensions of service quality to study the influence of different kinds of service on whole service quality.
    According to Grönroos’s study on the category of service in 1990, this study is divided service into core service, facilitating services and supporting services to realize the influence of these three kinds of service on whole service quality. Furthermore, in the framework “Customer perception of quality and customer satisfaction” proposed by Zeithmal and Bitner’s, satisfaction is directly influenced by perceived service quality, perceived product quality, and perceived price. According to this reference, this study is to discuss the influence of whole service quality on satisfaction. In addition, this study would
    Because this study emphasizes on the study of service quality, the main focus in on credit card to investigate the influence of perceived service quality and perceived price on satisfaction, rather than the influence of perceived product.
    According to the definition of core service, facilitating services and supporting services proposed by Grönroos, core services are the reasons for being on the market. Applied to credit card, the core services are the benefit of deferred payment, travel insurance, road rescue, and etc. Besides, facilitating services are the services that facilitate the use of the core services. Applied to credit card, the facilitating services are the services call centers could supply. In addition, supporting services are used to increase the value and/or to differentiate the service from the services of competitors. Applied to credit card, supporting services are the image of the company and the activities for public warfare or charity the company holds or joins.
    This study collects 382 copies of valid questionnaires and later LISREL analysis is carried out with 247 copies. The results are as follows.
    With the relationship between service category and whole service quality, core service and supporting services has no significant influence on whole service quality. Only facilitating services—the services call center supplies—have significant influence on whole service quality. It shows that under the situation that the core services and supporting services are imitated easily and equaled gradually, the importance of facilitating services is beyond any other kinds of services when consumers evaluating the whole service quality.
    As to the factors that influence satisfaction, whole service quality and perceived price both have significant influence of satisfaction, and whole service quality has more influence than price. In addition, with the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty, the two variables are positively related.
    This study is to discuss the influence of different kinds of services on whole service quality and create a linkage between services category and the framework proposed by Zeithaml and Bitner. Also, the study wishes to provide a new direction for future literature research regarding the dimensions that would influence the service quality.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0903550181
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理學系] 學位論文

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