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Title: | 由顧客觀點探討壽險業務員卓越特質、背景落差等對顧客滿意度之影響 |
Authors: | 張雅傑 |
Contributors: | 洪叔民 張雅傑 |
Keywords: | 業務員特質 業務員背景 顧客滿意度 落差 期望與知覺 trait background customer satisfaction gap expectation and perception |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:48:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 關於優質壽險業務員所具有的特質與背景,過去的相關研究大多只考慮從業務端進行資料蒐集,再分析對績效顯著的因素為何。然而顧客為績效之來源,從業務端進行所獲得的研究成果,比較屬於單方面的研究,未必能代表顧客的意見,因此本研究擬由顧客端進行業務員特質、背景與顧客滿意度之相關性研究,先由業務端的研究結果整理出優質業務員具有何種特質與背景,將之發展成評量項目,用以評量顧客對這些特質與背景的看法為何,然後據以發展問卷。
本研究主要分三個階段:第一階段是以結構方程式驗證卓越特質對顧客滿意度之影響;第二階段是探測顧客個人背景對顧客滿意度之影響;第三階段是研究當業務員背景與顧客期望不一致時,會不會對顧客滿意度造成影響。研究結果顯示,卓越特質對顧客滿意度具有正面顯著影響,並發現學歷落差以及顧客個人背景中的性別、年齡與婚姻狀況等因素對顧客滿意度具有顯著影響。管理意涵如下:對於壽險公司而言,人格特質測驗是僱用優質業務員的重要參考依據,且應多僱用大專以上學歷的業務員以滿足顧客的期待;學歷較低的業務員,則應持續提升專業知能,並多專注在年齡層中年以上的顧客。 There were many researches conducted to examine the influence of the personal traits and the backgrounds of life insurance salespeople on their sales performance, Those researches, done only from the side of salespeople, concluded that some personal factors have positive effect on the sales performance, ignoring that customer satisfaction is the major source of sales performance. To solve this problem, this research plans to find out the relationship between salespeople’s characteristics and their sales performance from the perspective of customers. It generalizes the points in common from previous researches about high-performance salespeople’s traits and backgrounds; then uses the conclusion to develop the questionnaire to find out what kinds of characteristics do the customers really expect. The result shows that salespeople’s excellent characteristics, academic degree catering to customers’ expectation, gender, age and marital status have positive effect on customer satisfaction. The management applications are specified as follows: First, life insurance company should pay more attention to salespeople’s academic degree. Bachelor degree or above is better according to customers’ opinion. Second, personality test plays an important role in recruiting high-performance salespeople. Third, as to the lower-academic-degree, they should concentrate on developing aged customers and keep strengthening their specialties. |
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