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Title: | 直接金融經營管理策略之個案研究 |
Authors: | 王江林 |
Contributors: | 陳隆麒 吳政穎 王江林 |
Keywords: | 直接金融 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:47:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1988年修正證券交易法之後,我國的綜合證券商始淮予設立,開啟了台灣資本市場的直接金融業務蓬渤發展的轉折點。2001年的金融控股公司法通過及2002年1月1日台灣正式成為WTO第144位會員,更是將台灣金融市場帶入國際化競爭環境。然金融產業在法令政策因應產業競爭而修正轉變之時,台灣資本市場金融控股公司在直接金融經營管理策略已面臨競爭成功與否的關鍵時刻。故本研究的動機,便是希望對國內金控公司之證券子公司產業的探討,找出個案公司未來在直接金融業務的經營策略,並進一步探討其管理上的策略意涵,以作為後續研究發展的參考依據。
從個案公司的探討上可發現,金控公司直接金融業務的經營關鍵成功因素:完善的金融產業整合策略、提供多樣化的金融產品、優良的金融服務品質、培養具專業素養人員、投資研發新金融商品與結合金控IT資訊科技等因素。從內外在環境分析及個案公司本身條件視之,建議個案公司採取成長策略中的產品延伸策略與地理擴張策略,並且進行差異化策略,以在國外大型金融業的強勢競爭下,集中火力及資源於特定區隔的顧客上,如此,方能維持一定比率的市場佔有率及獲利空間。 Since the Securities and Exchange Law have revised in 1988, and it become legal to set up complex securities firms in Taiwan. This change stimulated the development of the direct finance business in Taiwan Capital Market. The acceding to WTO and the establishment of Financial Holding Company Law, further more, brought Taiwan Capital Market to an internationally competitive environment. The government’s regulations and policies continuously shifted to fit the change of the environment, so does the entire industry. The financial holding companies in Taiwan Capital Market confronted the critical time of “win or lose” due to fierce competition on direct finance business. Therefore, the idea of this research was to analyze the business of their subsidiaries in order to find the strategies for the case study company and to compete in direct finance market. Further study and discussion would be made to provide reference for sustainable development in the future.
Fundamentally, our research adopts Aaker’s theory to perform external and internal analysis; the whole strategical planning are processed according to Glueck’s methods. Subsequently, in the case study, we conduct primary research method and analyze the data offered by the company to figure out the problems and the future growing trends in the industry.
Based on the analysis of case study, the key factors for a company to succeed on direct finance business include the integration of different strategies, providing diversified products, outstanding customer service, training professional employees, developing new products, advanced IT system, and etc. From internal and external analysis as well as reviewing the competencies of the case study company, our recommendations include product line development, geographic expansion, and performance differentiation. By applying these strategies, it would be able to defense its market share and generate profits under the highly competitive circumstance global players. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 93932520 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093932520 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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