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Title: | 與顧客共創價值之新商業模式-以行動通訊產業為例 New Business Model based on Co-Creating Value with Customers -An Example of Mobile Communications Industry |
Authors: | 林鈺穎 Lin, Yu-Ying |
Contributors: | 郭更生 黃秉德 Kuo, Geng Sheng Huang, Ping Der 林鈺穎 Lin, Yu-Ying |
Keywords: | 共創價值 互動點 關鍵樞紐公司 經驗環境平台 價值轉運機制 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:47:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現今企業為因應科技不斷創新及產業結構之快速變動,當顧客需求變動更加快速,且顧客個別需求差異又大時,企業要如何快速因應?本研究探討的主題以顧客導向、顧客關係與共創價值為理論基礎,探討顧客與企業共創價值的新商業模式;並透過行動通訊產業的實務驗證,對顧客與企業共創價值的流程、概念與互動關係進行研究,肯定此新商業模式之價值。研究目的包括:探討企業與顧客共創價值之相關理論、發展企業與顧客共創價值之新商業模式以及藉由行動通訊產業實務驗證此商業模式之價值。
延續共創價值理論、顧客關係管理以及網路外部性與行動通訊價值鏈等前人研究與理論基礎,本研究所提出的新商業模式概念以企業經營利潤的提升為目的,就顧客與企業合作之創價路徑以及時程演進進行探討描述。透過產業研究驗證得到,創價路徑分為價值創造互動點、關鍵樞紐公司、經驗環境平台以及價值轉運機制等四個階段。而時程演進則分為引誘期、維持期、成長期與更新期四個階段。而研究結論包括:此新商業模式創造獨特價值、新商業模式能夠協助企業因應產業變化以及行動通訊產業為新商業模式之應用先驅。建議企業在應用新商業模式上先就企業本身的產業定位及優勢進行全面性檢討,才能夠發揮本身的優勢,以發展平台整合目標資源,透過價值轉運機制即時迅速地提供關鍵顧客獨特價值。 The thesis focuses on new business model based on co-creating value with customers. It provides an overview of distinctive features of the unique value creating by corporate and customer. The specific purposes of the thesis are to define the co-creating value with customers, to develop a new business model based on that, and to enhance the value of the new business model in conjunction with mobile communications industry.
Based on the researches regarding to co-creating value, customer relationship management and network externalities, this thesis analyses the key players and interactions that form part of co-creating value between corporate and customer, providing a foundation for future strategic analysis and drawing on some of the key factors that may influence the take-up of the new business model---including value creating process (value-creating interactive point, key nodal company, experience platform and value-transferring hub) and timeline developing (inducing period, preserving period, growing period, and renewing period)---the thesis also provides predictions regarding the future of industrial applying.
A field experiment was conducted in mobile communications industry. The experiment reveals that the new business model has unique value, the new business model can facilitate the corporate adoption to the variation market and the mobile communications industry is found to be the first mover in terms of the implementation in this new business model. The importance and managerial implications of the new business and follow-up research are also discussed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 93355069 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355069 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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