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Title: | 文化創意產業國際化之探討-以法藍瓷有限公司為例 |
Authors: | 黃科誠 |
Contributors: | 黃秉德 黃科誠 |
Keywords: | 文化創意產業 國際化動機 國際市場進入模式 新創事業 工藝類文化創意產業 核心資源能力 Motivation of Internationalization International market entry mode the cultural industry Newborn business Core competence |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:45:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文探討主題為文化創意產業之國際化,首先透過文獻探討方式,了解文化創意產業、企業國際化、新創事業、企業核心資源能力等議題內容;第二階段則透過個案訪談與次級資料的搜集與整理,對研究個案企業之發展歷程與國際化相關策略作一介紹;第三階段則將先前探討之文獻、研究與研究個案之國際化模式作分析、比較,歸納出命題並提出本研究之結論。
關鍵字:1.文化創意產業 2.國際化動機 3.國際市場進入模式 4.新創事業 5.工藝類文化創意產業 6.核心資源能力 The cultural industry has been considered as the most promising industry for the future economic energy sources for many countries. However, with the limited market size in Taiwan, Taiwanese cultural industry also needs to go international for a bigger market. The purpose of this research is to understand the internationalization of cultural industry in Taiwan.
As an exploratory research by case study method, the research consists of four aspects:(1)the characters of cultural industry;(2)the internalization of business;(3)the newborn business;(4)the core competence of a company.
Through primary data collection, such as in-depth interview and secondary data collection from other researches and publications, the research chose Franzcolletions as the study focus.
Conclusions drawn from this research results are:
1. When going globalization and entering into a foreign market, the cultural industry should take account of its own resources and capability, and thus being flexible choosing the most suitable entry mode.
2. During the process of globalization, the cultural industry will arrange the value chains activities which following the comparative advantage theory like other industries.
3. In addition to R&D, the cultural industry should also strengthen marketing ability and building up the distribution channels.
4. The cultural company can accumulate its resources and train up the core competence through the internalization process. Learning from the previous experiences, a cultural company can form a thorough strategy when entering a new foreign market in the future.
Key Words:Motivation of Internationalization;International market entry mode;the cultural industry;Newborn business;Core competence. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 93355005 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093355005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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