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    Title: 集團企業子公司之綜效利益與彈性限制---網絡觀點
    Authors: 任慶宗
    Jen, Ching-Tsung Malany
    Contributors: 司徒達賢

    Seetoo, Dah-hsian
    Yu, Chow-ming Joseph

    Jen, Ching-Tsung Malany
    Keywords: 集團企業
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:40:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘 要



    Business Group is typically a network organization. The strategic goal of business group has been the synergetic benefits. However, how business group reaches its synergetic benefits and why different affiliates share various synergetic benefits are topics that have been rarely studied. Meanwhile, the issue that business group, pursuing synergetic benefits, results in negative impact on affiliates has been the question urgent to be answered for practical and academic reason as well.
    This study, by means of network concept and approach, selects affiliates of business group as the research objects. The purpose of this study is to probe the effects of varied synergetic benefits and flexible constraints among affiliates due to network relationship within a business group. Meanwhile, this study also discusses the influence of synergetic benefit and flexible constrains on affiliate performance. Regarding network organization like business group, this study also infers the variables that lead to the network centrality of the affiliates within a business group and the impact of business control on network relationship of group affiliates.
    According to the analytic approach of network concept, this study chooses the property centrality and knowledge centrality as the scope of network features of business group. Following literature review and theory inference, 26 hypotheses of 10 main arguments are presented to test the theoretic framework. By survey design and data collection, 422 affiliates questionnaires of 47 business groups were sent. Valid returning mails include 111 affiliates of 14 business groups. The valid returning rate is 25.1%.
    The analytical results show that the variables, affecting the affiliate centrality of property network within business group, include resource advantage, autonomous intension and entrance timing. The variables, influencing the affiliate centrality of knowledge network within business group, include resource advantage, autonomous intension, entrance timing, external alliance experiences, and internationalization. For the effect of synergetic benefit and flexible constraints on affiliate performance, the analysis result shows that the more central the affiliates within network, the higher the performance. In addition, the relation of flexible constraints and network centrality exhibits inverse U shape. That is, the more and the less central the affiliates within network, the less the flexible constraints. In other words, those affiliates between the more and the less centrality of affiliates receive much more flexible constraints.
    Finally, in terms of the influence of synergetic benefits and flexible constraints on affiliate performance, result shows the more synergetic benefits an affiliate shares, the better performance it is. Nevertheless, the negative impact of flexible constraints on performance only appears on affiliates with higher synergetic benefits.
    As to the influence of business control on network relationship, result shows that the relation between property centrality and resource advantage, autonomous intension, and entrance mode are moderated by the extent of business control. Same result is also found between the relation of knowledge centrality and resource advantage and internationalization. It implies that the business control reinforces the relationship between resource advantage and network centrality, by which also increases the synergetic benefits and, moreover, improves affiliate performance.
    In conclusion, this study finds that the synergetic benefits of affiliates result from the centrality position of the affiliates of property network or knowledge network. In other words, the more central position an affiliate is, the higher synergetic benefits the affiliate shares within the network of business group. On the other hand, network positions between central and phenral locations take much more flexible constraints and become the sacrifices of network embeddedness. Next, the business control reinforces the network centrality, increases synergetic benefits, and, finally improves business performance of the affiliate. Thus, this study comes up with the suggestion that business group should encourage and help affiliates to embed network relationship in order to have each affiliate share synergetic benefit and reduce flexible constraints within the business group network.

    Keywords: Business group; Synergetic benefits; Flexible constraints; Network centrality
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