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Title: | 高級汽車的體驗行銷策略研究—以和泰汽車LEXUS為例 The Study of Experiential Marketing Strategy for Luxury Vehicle:The Case of LEXUS Taiwan |
Authors: | 邱德銍 Chiu,Te Chih |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 邱德銍 Chiu,Te Chih |
Keywords: | 體驗行銷 顧客滿意度 顧客忠誠度 Experiential Marketing Consumer Satisfaction Consumer Loyalty |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:17:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來隨著經濟水準的成長,國人對奢侈品的消費能力日益提高,事實上,這也是目前全球普遍的消費行為轉變,而「奢侈品」具有品牌形象良好、高品質、凸顯品味等特色,其商品利潤遠也超乎平價商品,以奢侈品的「高級汽車」來說,其銷售量在台灣車市中一直維持穩定的成長,並不會受到整體經濟環境的影響,呈現一個獨特的消費市場。
關鍵詞: 體驗行銷、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度 With the raising development of the economic level in recent years, citizens have progressively upgraded their consumption level into luxury goods. In fact, this is also the global trend of the change in consumption behavior. A extravagance features good brand image, high quality, and the sense of taste, its profit is also much higher than ordinary products. In terms of luxury vehicles, the sales volume has maintained a steady growth in Taiwan market, forming a unique market condition, regardless of the economic recession overall.
Unlike traditional marketing theories which focus on the rational factors of consumer decision, this thesis uses a perceptual perspective to understand the psychological needs of consumers after they purchased a luxury vehicle .Therefore, this thesis is based on the theory “Experiential Marketing” built by Schmitt(1999), to proceed a concrete investigation on the influence of SEMs(strategies of experiential modules) on LEXUS automobile owners’ consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The investigation aims LEXUS automobile owners in Taipei area, using questionnaires in selling points
and the procedure last three weeks. At last, according to research results, this thesis will provide practical marketing suggestions for LEXUS
Keywords:Experiential Marketing, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty |
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