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Title: | 文化創意產業體驗行銷策略研究-以台北啤酒文化園區為例 The Study of Experiential Marketing Strategy for Cultural and Ceative Industries:The Case of Taipei Brewery |
Authors: | 黃聖涵 Huang, Sheng Han |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 Chu, Fong Kong 黃聖涵 Huang, Sheng Han |
Keywords: | 體驗行銷 生活型態 顧客滿意度 品牌忠誠度 Experiential Marketing Life Style Customer Satisfaction Brand Loyalty |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 16:15:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球化浪潮的影響下,世界各國紛紛開始注意到「文化延續」的重要性,使得如何保存在地文化成為各國必須面臨的課題之一,創意產業與流行文化於是成為各國首推發展的產業。台北啤酒文化園區身為啤酒產業的發源地,奠定了台北啤酒文化園區於文化創意產業中所具有之重要性,但一項成功創意產業必須有賴於適當的經營方式,才能獲得消費者的支持與肯定。故本研究結合Schmitt之「體驗行銷」理論進行實證研究,根據「體驗行銷」、「生活型態」、「顧客滿意度」以及「品牌忠誠度」等理論基礎發展觀念性研究架構及問卷,研究目的在探討消費者的人口統計變項與生活型態對台北啤酒文化園區策略體驗模組、 顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的之影響,並分析策略體驗模組對於台北啤酒文化園區消費者之顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的關係。研究調查共回收樣本330份,有效樣本為297份。研究主要發現為:(1)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者對策略體驗模組感受有部份差異。(2)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者在顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度有部份差異。(3)策略體驗模組與顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度具中度相關及解釋力。最後,本研究對業界與未來的研究者提出適當的行銷策略與研究上的建議。 In the trend of Globalization, the characteristics of local culture have become more and more important. The development of cultural creativity industry is thought to be the most important factor of national economy development and the promotion of quality of life. There are many countries that are starting to pay attention to how to preserve local culture. This study is aimed at the cultural creative industry, hoping the basic background and uniqueness of local culture in Taiwan can be understood through the characteristics of local culture. “Taipei Brewery” is the birthplace of Taiwan beer`s local culture, so this study took “Taipei Brewery” as a case study.
This thesis is based on the theory of "Experiential Marketing" built by Schmitt(1999),to proceed to a concrete investigation on the influence of SEMs(strategies of experiential modules) on Taipei Brewery`s customers. The conceptual framework of this research is based on a literature review of the “Experiential Marketing”, “Life Style”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Brand Loyalty”. This research uses a questionnaire to survey the customers of “Taipei Brewery”. The statistical package for the social science (SPSS12.0) system was utilized for the Descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, T-test match-pair, one-way ANOVA, Regression Analysis, Scheffe multiple comparisons, and a Cronbach α.. In total, 297effective questionnaires out of 330 were collected, and the effective response rate was 90.303%.
The findings of this research are as follows: (1)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between strategies of experiential modules. (2)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. (3)There is a positive correlation between strategies of experiential modules, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Finally, according to the results of the study we came up with a connotation for the theories and actual situations in running a business. |
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