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    Title: 旅遊資訊於行動裝置平台之設計分析
    Authors: 林君萍
    Contributors: 張寶芳
    Keywords: 行動裝置
    mobile device
    traveling information
    cell phone
    mobile content
    interactive design
    Web 2.0
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 16:09:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電子連線與隨身行動裝置的興起,滿足了使用者希望能隨時隨地取得資訊的需求,而旅行者的資訊使用行為,恰巧符合此特性。一份資訊與介面設計良好的行動旅遊內容,不但可讓旅人減輕負擔,還可藉由行動連網獲取旅程中最即時的資訊。但目前應用於行動裝置平台上的旅遊資訊多偏向提供部分適地性服務(Location Based Service),亦即透過GPS等定位技術,確認使用者所在位置,進而提供相關資訊的服務,如主動提供當地加油、餐飲等各項資訊服務,此類適地性服務多為片段提供購物消費資訊,並非完整之旅遊資訊。本研究探討數位旅遊資訊內容該如何設計與呈現於具備影音、音樂、圖像、照相、電腦等多功能的行動裝置平台,以滿足使用者的資訊需求。研究首先提出一套行動旅遊資訊系統應包含的資訊內容與架構,然後進行雛型設計,最後評估測試此系統的適用程度。研究結果發現動態旅行的旅遊資訊,可在行動裝置平台尋得一個呈現的嶄新舞台。
    The integration of the internet and mobile devices satisfies the drsire of “information on the go”. This demand also matches the information usage behavior for travelers. A well designed mobile traveling information with convenient user interfaces helps them to get what they need at any moment while traveling through mobile internet. However, the current traveling information in mobile platform is usually location based services. The kind of services does not provide a complete traveling content but only small pieces of information. The thesis focuses on the design of an integrated digital content on mobile devices for the travelers. It includes the design of content structure, information display and user interface. The mobile platform targets on those who equipped with multimedia and 3G wireless communication ability. We propose a content planning and informative structure for traveling information. A prototyping system was first made to evaluate the concept of information design. Then the implementation and further evaluation was done by using the NOKIA N73 3G cell phone. The results show that personal mobile devices offering a new stage for the dynamic traveling information.
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