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    2017 1H MR spectroscopy in cervical carcinoma using external phase array body coil at 3.0 Tesla: Prediction of poor prognostic human papillomavirus genotypes Lin, Gigin; Ng, Koon‐Kwan; Ng, Shu‐Hang; 蔡尚岳; Lai, Chyong‐Huey; Tsai, Shang‐Yueh; Lin, Yu‐Chun; Huang, Yu‐Ting; Wu, Ren‐Chin; Yang, Lan‐Yan; Lu, Hsin‐Ying; Chao, Angel; Wang, Chiun‐Chieh; Hung, Ji‐Hong; Yen, Tzu‐Chen; Chou, Hung‐Hsueh
    2011-04 Ab initio studies of spin-spiral waves and exchange interactions in 3d transition metal atomic chains 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2008-04 Accelerated Proton-Echo-Planar-Spectroscopic-Imaging using GRAPPA with a 32-Channel Phase Array Coil 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Otazo, Ricardo; Posse, Stefan; Lin, Yi-Ru; Chung, Hsiao-Wen; Wald, Lawrence L.; Wiggins, Graham C.; Lin, Fa-Hsuan
    2007-12 Accelerated Short-TE 3D Proton Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging using 2D-SENSE with a 32-Channel Array Coil Otazo, Ricardo; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Lin, Fa-Hsuan; Posse, Stefan; 蔡尚岳
    2007-12 Accelerated Short-TE 3D Proton-Echo-Planar-Spectroscopic-Imaging using 2D-SENSE with a 32-Channel Array Coil 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh
    2010-10 Accurate description of the optical response of a multilayered spherical system in the long wavelength approximation 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2012-11 A combined first principle calculations and experimental study on the spin-polarized band structure of Co-doped PbPdO2 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2015-02 A comparative study of size-dependent magnetoresistance and Hall resistance of Sb2Te3 nanoflakes Lee, P.-C.; Huang, Y.-C.; Chien, C.H.; Chiu, F.Y.; Chen, Yang-Yuan; Harutyunyan, S.R.; 陳洋元
    2015-10 A competing risk analysis of sequential complication development in Asian type 2 diabetes mellitus patients Cheng, Li-Jen; Chen, Jeng-Huei; Lin, Ming-Yen; Chen, Li-Chia; Lao, Chun-Huan; Luh, Hsing; Hwang, Shang-Jyh; 陳政輝; 陸行
    2014-06 All-in-one light-tunable borated phosphors with chemical and luminescence dynamical control resolution Lin, C.C.; Liu, Y.-P.; Xiao, Zhi Ren; 蕭智仁
    2009 A metallic graphene layer adsorbed with lithium 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai
    2011-01 An ab initio study of the magnetic and electronic properties of Fe, Co, and Ni nanowires on Cu(001) surface 郭光宇; Tung, J.C.; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2012-07 Anomalous and spin Hall effects in hcp cobalt from GGA+U calculations 郭光宇; Tung, Jen-Chuan; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2015-04 Anomalous Hall effect and current spin polarization in Co2FeX Heusler compounds (Z = Al, Ga, In, Si, Ge, and Sn): A systematic ab initio study Huang, Hung-Lung; Tung, Jen-Chuan; Guo, Guang-Yu; 董人銓; 郭光宇
    2010-10 Anomalous integer quantum Hall effect in AA -stacked bilayer graphene Hsu, Y.-F.; Guo, Guang-Yu; 郭光宇
    2010 Anomalous integer quantum Hall effect in AA-stacked bilayer graphene 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2008-10 Anomalous J-modulation effects on amino acids in clinical 3T MR spectroscopy 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh
    2014-06 Anomalous Nernst and Hall effects in magnetized platinum and palladium Guo, G. Y.; Niu, Q.; Nagaosa, N.; 郭光宇
    2004-06 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains with bond alternation and quenched disorder 林瑜琤; Lin, Yu-Cheng; Heiko Rieger; Ferenc Igloi
    2018 Anti-site defect effect on the electronic structure of a Bi2Te3 topological insulator Chuang, PY; Su, SH; Chong, CW; Chen, YF; Chou, YH; Huang, JCA; Chen, WC; Cheng, CM; Tsuei, KD; Wang, CH; Yang, YW; Liao, YF; Weng, SC; Lee, JF; Lan, YK; Chang, SL; Lee, CH; Yang, CK; Su, HL; Wu, YC; 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai
    2005-08 Application of model-free analysis in the MR assessment of pulmonary perfusion dynamics 蔡尚岳; Chuang,Kai-Hsiang; Wu,Ming-Ting; Lin,Yi-Ru; Hsieh,Kai-Sheng; Wu,Ming-Long; Tsai,Shang-Yueh
    2021-05 A primitive study of memory effect of run of ones in binary sequences 馬文忠; 李雨純; Ma, Wen-Jong; Li, Yu-Chun
    2022-07 A Quanvolution Architecture for Image Classification 彭彥璁; 許琇娟; Peng, Yan-Tsung; Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan; Ho, Po-Han
    1997 A Real-Space Calculation of the Surface States of Cr(001) 楊志開; Yang,Chih-Kai
    2018-09 Armchair MoS2 nanoribbons turned into half metals through deposition of transition-metal and Si atomic chains Lee, Chi-Hsuan; Lin, Joy; Yang, Chih-Kai; 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai
    2016-03 A strategy to optimize the thermoelectric performance in a spark plasma sintering process 陳洋元; Chiu, Wan Ting; Chen, Cheng Lung; Chen, Yang-Yuan
    2023-05 A study on computer vision for facial emotion recognition 許琇娟; Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan; Huang, Zi-Yu; Chiang, Chia-Chin; Chen, Jian-Hao; Chen, Yi-Chian; Chung, Hsin-Lung; Cai, Yu-Ping
    2017 Automatic inhibitory function in the human somatosensory and motor cortices: An MEG-MRS study Cheng, Chia-Hsiung; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Liu, Chia-Yih; Niddam, David M.; 蔡尚岳
    2010-06 Axial Vibration Study of a Mobile Fan Motor 姚永德; Wang, Chien-Chang; Yao, Yeong-Der; Liang, Kun-Yi
    2012-04 Backbone Connectivity and Collective Aggregation Phenomena in Polymer Systems 馬文忠; 胡進錕
    2004-04 Banding Artifacts Along the Frequency-encoding Direction in Multi-echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Origin and a Remedy 蔡尚岳; Chuang,Tzu-Chao; Tsai,Shang-Yueh; Chung,Yi-Lin; Chou,Ming-Chung; Juan,Chun-Jung; Chung,Hsiao-Wen
    1993-11 Band structure of ZnO using the LMTO method 楊志開; Yang,Chih-Kai; K.S. Dy
    2002 Binding energies and electronic structures of adsorbed titanium chains on carbon nanotubes 楊志開; Yang,Chih-Kai; Zhao,Jijun; Lu,Jian Ping
    2020-02 Brain metabolites in chronic migraine patients with medication overuse headache 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Niddam, David M; Lai, Kuan-Lin; Lin, Yi-Ru; Chen, Wei-Ta; Fuh, Jong-Ling; Wang, Shuu-Jiun
    2023-03 Brain plasticity of structural connectivity networks and topological properties in baseball players with different levels of expertise 顏乃欣; 蔡尚岳; Yen, Nai-Shing; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Chen, Yin-Hua; Chang, Chih-Yen
    2010-12 Bright and Dark Plasmon Modes in Three Nanocylinder Cluster 郭光宇; Klimov, Vasily; Guo, Guang-Yu
    1999 Calculation for a Cu(001) Surface with an Impurity Atom. 楊志開; Yang,Chih-Kai
    1998 Calculation of Cu(001) and Its Computation Efficiency 楊志開; Yang,Chih-Kai
    1995-04 Calculation of Impurity States in ZnO Using Recursive Green``s Function 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai; IVu3, S. Y.; Dy, Kian S.; Wu, S. Y.; Yang, Chih-Iiai
    2004 Calculations of electronic structure of Ge44Mn2Ba8 and Ge42Mn4Ba8 clathrates 楊志開; Yang,Chih-Kai; Zhao,Jijun; Lu,Jian Ping
    2011 Calorimetric studies of C14 and C15 YMn2 and YMn2(H,D)6 陳洋元; Liu,R. S.; Kuo,H. T.; S. M. Filipek; R. Wierzbicki; R. Sato; Chen,Y. Y.
    2018-01 Can fractal analysis on heart rate variability reflect physiological causes for cardiorespiratory interaction? 蕭又新; Shiau, Yuo-Hsien
    2018-10 Can morphological changes of erythrocytes be driven by hemoglobin? Gevorkian, SG; Allahverdyan, AE; Gevorgyan, DS; Ma, WJ; Hu, CK; 馬文忠; Ma, Wen-Jong
    2012-08 Chemical Composition Tuning of the Anomalous Hall Effect in Isoelectronic L10FePd1-xPtx Alloy Films 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2011-04 Coercive mechanism and training effect in Fe-Au/Ni-Fe bilayer films 李尚凡; Yuan,Fu-Te; Yao,Y. D.; Lee,S. F.; Hsu,J. H.
    2012-07 Coherent perfect nanoabsorbers based on negative refraction 郭光宇; Klimov, Vasily; Sun, Shulin; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2015-10 Combining parallel detection of proton echo planar spectroscopic imaging (PEPSI) measurements with a data-consistency constraint improves SNR Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Hsu, Yi-Cheng; Chu, Ying-Hua; Kuo, Wen-Jui; Lin, Fa-Hsuan; 蔡尚岳
    2013-03 Comparison of anistropic interface magnetoresistance in Co/Pt and Co/Pd multilayers 李尚凡; Lee, Jung-Chuan; Hsieh, Chih-Hsun; Chang, Che-Chun; Huang, Leng-Wei; Lin, Lu-Kuei; Lee, Shang-Fan
    2004-11 Comparison of arterial spin labeling and first-pass dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging in the assessment of pulmonary perfusion in humans: The inflow spin-tracer saturation effect 蔡尚岳; Lin,Yi-Ru; Wu,Ming-Ting; Huang,Teng-Yi; Tsai,Shang-Yueh; Chung,Hsiao-Wen; Vu M. Mai
    2024-07 Comparison of convolutional-neural-networks-based method and LCModel on the quantification of in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Huang, Yu-Long; Lin, Yi-Ru

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