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Title: | 電腦硬碟製造商競爭策略之研究 - 以W公司為例 Research on Competitive Strategy of Hard Disk Drive Manufacturer – A Case Study of W Company |
Authors: | 許耀峰 Hsu, Yao-Feng |
Contributors: | 詹文男 鄭至甫 Tsan, Wen-Nang Jeng, Jyh-Fu 許耀峰 Hsu, Yao-Feng |
Keywords: | 機械硬碟 固態硬碟 競爭優勢 策略分析 儲存產業 Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Solid-State Drive (SSD) Competitive advantage Strategic analysis Storage industry |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 16:13:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以電腦硬碟產業為背景,探討 W 公司在存儲技術快速演進以及產品市場轉換過程中的競爭策略。個人電腦時代的傳統機械硬碟(HDD)曾是主要儲存媒體,但隨著固態硬碟(SSD)因讀取速度更快、體積輕薄等優勢的興起,HDD 市場逐漸被取代。W 公司面臨產業環境改變以及市場需求的劇烈波動,採取了一系列策略措施,包括併購 HGST 與 Sandisk,整合 HDD 與 SSD 的產品線,並垂直整合生產鏈,強化其核心競爭力。
研究採用 SWOT 分析,詳細探討 W 公司在技術創新、市場擴張與營運效率上的優勢與挑戰。首先,在市場環境分析中,本研究運用 PEST 及五力分析,檢視儲存產業在政治、經濟、社會及技術面向的影響,以及市場中主要競爭者的動態。其次,透過價值鏈分析,研究 W 公司如何在企業內部活動與外部環境中創造差異化競爭優勢。
研究結果顯示,W 公司利用核心能力,在雲端與企業級存儲市場取得重要地位,HDD 產品在性價比與穩定性上仍具一定優勢,SSD 產品則需要持續技術提升與成本降低擴大消費市場占有率。未來 3~5 年,隨著 AI 以及相關需求應用落地執行,W 公司除積極研發高容量與高性能產品,也需繼續深化與雲端服務商合作,並增強 SSD 與 HDD 產品競爭實力,才有機會滿足市場對於數據容量存儲的爆炸性需求。
結論指出,W 公司運用競爭策略,實現從 HDD 到 SSD 產品轉型的市場需求。面對AI 與雲端新時代,需再分別針對 HDD 以及 SSD 各自產品持續應對相關技術變革來滿足市場需求。本研究為儲存產業中其他企業提供了參考,強調核心能力與市場需求結合的關鍵性。 This study has the hard disk industry as the background to explore W Company competitive strategy in the process of rapid evolution of storage technology and product market transformation. The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) was the main storage device in the personal computer products. However, with the rise of solid-state drive (SSD) due to its advantages such as faster reading speed and thin and light size, the HDD market has been gradually replaced. Faced with changes in the industrial environment and dramatic fluctuations in market demand, W Company adopted strategic moves, including the acquisition of HGST and Sandisk, the integration of HDD and SSD product lines, and the vertical integration of production value chain to strengthen its core competitiveness.
SWOT analysis is adopted to explore advantages and challenges of W Company in terms of technological innovation, market expansion and operational efficiency. First, in the market environment analysis, this study uses PEST and five forces analysis to examine the impact of the storage industry on the political, economic, social and technological aspects, as well as the dynamics of the main competitors in the market. Second, through value chain analysis, we study how W Company creates differentiated competitive advantages in its internal activities and external environment.
The research result is that W Company has leveraged its core capabilities to gain an important position in the cloud and enterprise-level storage markets. HDD products still hold advantages in cost performance and stability, while SSD products require continued technology improvement and cost reduction to expand consumer market share. In the next 3 to 5 years, as AI and related demand applications are implemented, W Company will not only develop high-capacity and high-performance products, but also need to continue to deepen cooperation with cloud service providers and enhance the competitiveness of SSD and HDD product technology.
The conclusion is that, facing the new era of AI and Cloud, W Company is necessary to continue to respond to relevant technological changes for each HDD and SSD product to meet individual market demand. This study provides a reference for other companies in the storage industry, emphasizing the criticality of combining core capabilities with market demand. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 108932077 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108932077 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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