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    Title: 科技意會:數位金融顧客旅程中的感知契合
    Technology Sensemaking: Perception Congruence in the Customer Journey of Digital Banking
    Authors: 林書安
    Lin, Shu-An
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Lin, Shu-An
    Keywords: 服務設計
    Service Design
    Technological Sensemaking
    Customer Journey
    Customer Experience
    Expectation Gaps
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:43:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 服務創新的核心目標在於塑造卓越的顧客體驗,因此企業積極導入新興科技,期望提升服務設計的品質。然而,企業往往過度聚焦於技術升級,誤以為科技能夠即刻提升體驗,卻忽略服務本身才是體驗的關鍵。科技來自人性,而服務旅程的痛點則源於意會落差。企業經常過度依賴滿意度調查,卻忽略這些量化數據難以準確反映顧客的實感受。許多痛點屬於「只能意會,難以言傳」,需透過細緻分析方能理解使用者的需求。本研究探討如何透過科技推動服務創新,並以科技意會作為切入點,分析設計者與使用者之間的意會差異。設計者在應用科技改善服務時,通常以技術導向的視角思考,卻忽視使用者對服務的期待,導致雙方理解出現顯著落差。這種落差不僅削弱服務的有效性,也可能造成使用者的挫敗感,進而影響整體體驗。因此,本研究剖析此落差,深入釐清使用者痛點背後的情感因素,並歸納期望與實際體驗之間的差距。本研究以臺灣一家績優銀行的創業金融服務為案例,整理創業開戶的七項旅程,並分析設計者與使用者之間的意會衝突與感受對比,深入探討痛點背後的情感因素,並歸納不同類型的期望落差。理論上,過去對科技意會的研究多關注意會的特性、科技導入前後的影響,或如何引導意會等議題,卻較少對比設計者與使用者之間的意會差異。本研究強調,理解科技意會時,應同時考量雙方視角,才能精確理解認知落差。這樣的對比分析,不僅有助於釐清服務設計中的盲點,亦能提供具體的優化方式,使其更貼合使用者的實際需求。在實務層面,本研究指出,設計者在運用科技進行服務創新時,往往忽略使用者的期待,導致設計結果與實際需求不符。本研究透過科技意會以分析期望落差,提醒設計者在服務創新時,須同步考量意會、感受與期望落差的動態關係,以確保設計的契合度。透過科技意會重新思考服務創新,結合感受與期望落差的分析,設計者方能夠更準確釐清設計意圖。從使用者的意會出發,理解其感知與感受,最終才創造觸動人心的顧客體驗。
    Service innovation aims to enhance customer experiences, often through technological advancements. However, many organizations mistakenly assume that improved technology directly translates to better experiences, overlooking the fundamental role of service as the cornerstone of user interactions. While technology evolves in response to human needs, the challenges in service design often stem from discrepancies in sensemaking between designers and users. Satisfaction surveys, though widely used, fail to capture implicit user pain points that are difficult to articulate and require deeper qualitative exploration to uncover users’ underlying needs. This study examines how technological sensemaking drives service innovation by analyzing cognitive misalignments between designers and users. Designers frequently adopt a technology-centric perspective, prioritizing technical capabilities over user expectations, which leads to significant interpretive gaps. These misalignments not only diminish service effectiveness but also heighten user frustration, ultimately eroding the intended experience. By investigating these gaps, this research explores the emotional dimensions underlying user pain points and identifies specific expectation discrepancies that influence service perception. Using a leading Taiwanese bank’s entrepreneurial financial services as a case study, this study systematically examines the business account opening journey. It examines sensemaking conflicts between designers and users, demonstrating how users’ emotional responses shape their expectations and how these expectations diverge from design intentions. Theoretically, existing research on technological sensemaking has predominantly focused on its characteristics, the effects of technology adoption, or strategies for facilitating sensemaking, with limited attention to the contrasting perspectives of designers and users. This study argues that adopting a dual-perspective framework is essential for identifying cognitive gaps, refining service design strategies, and enhancing technology-driven innovations. On a practical level, this research underscores how service designers often overlook the experiential aspects of user engagement, leading to misaligned service implementations. By integrating technological sensemaking with expectation gap analysis, this study advocates for a user-centric approach that aligns design intentions with user experiences, ultimately fostering seamless and emotionally resonant service interactions.
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