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    Title: 生成式人工智慧與其著作權適格議題探討- 以提示詞角色為核心
    Exploring copyright eligibility issues of generative AI: focusing on the role of prompts
    Authors: 陳宜謙
    Chen, Yi-Chian
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Chen, Yi-Chian
    Keywords: 生成式人工智慧
    Generative Artificial Intelligence
    AI and copyright eligibility
    AI-generated works
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:42:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,生成式人工智慧技術快速發展,其應用場域持續擴大,尤以圖像生成技術之進展最為顯著,不僅簡化創作流程,更提升創作之可擴展性與多樣性,成為推動數位創意、娛樂及醫療等產業創新之關鍵動力。然而,此種技術發展模式衍生了創作主體認定之法律爭議,特別是在開發者與使用者角色分離之情況下,人工智慧創作呈現出有別於傳統「人類直接創作」之多角色分工模式。此一現象不僅模糊了使用者作為著作人之定位,更引發其對作品間控制力及貢獻度之質疑。就提示詞之法律定位而言,其撰寫過程已然構成完整之表達行為,蓋完備之提示詞不僅包含作品之核心要素、風格特徵及具體細節等完整描述,更於經由人工智慧系統處理並生成最終作品時,完備了作品表達之基本要件。本研究透過分析提示詞特性與應用與美中兩國之司法實務見解,發現提示詞之著作權適格性應以其完備性為判斷依據,唯有在確實完成抽象構想至具體表達之轉化時,方具備著作權保護之標的適格性。此等判斷不僅需要更細緻之法律評價標準,更應考量數位時代之創新特性,以期在著作權保護與技術發展間取得平衡。
    In recent years, generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology has developed rapidly, with its applications expanding across various fields. The progress in image generation technology has been particularly remarkable, simplifying the creative process while enhancing scalability and diversity in creation. This advancement has become a key driver of innovation in industries such as digital creativity, entertainment, and healthcare. However, the development of such technologies has also raised legal disputes regarding the recognition of creative authorship. Especially in cases where the roles of developers and users are distinct, AI-generated works present a multi-role division of labor that differs from traditional "human direct creation." This phenomenon not only blurs the user's position as an author but also raises questions about their control and contribution to the work.
    Regarding the legal status of prompts, the process of composing prompts constitutes a complete act of expression. Comprehensive prompts often include a detailed description of core elements, stylistic characteristics, and specific details of the work. When processed through an AI system to generate the final work, these prompts fulfill the fundamental requirements for the expression of a work. Through an analysis of the characteristics and applications of prompts, as well as judicial practices in the U.S. and China, this study finds that the copyright eligibility of prompts should be determined based on their completeness. Only when the transformation from abstract concepts to concrete expression is fully realized can prompts be considered eligible for copyright protection. This determination requires more refined legal evaluation standards and must also consider the innovative characteristics of the digital age to strike a balance between copyright protection and technological development.
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