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    Title: 於虛擬實境中替換化身之國籍外觀對於課堂中的外語演講焦慮的影響
    The Impact of Changing Avatar Nationality in Virtual Reality on Foreign Language Public Speaking Class Anxiety
    Authors: 張庭華
    Chang, Ting-Hua
    Contributors: 林日璇

    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Liao, Chun-Feng

    Chang, Ting-Hua
    Keywords: 虛擬實境
    Virtual reality
    Proteus effect
    Foreign language anxiety
    Public speaking class anxiety
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:40:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究利用普羅透斯效應,將台灣學生套用在外觀為英文母語人士的虛擬化身中,測量這樣的具身化效果是否能有效減緩學生們的外語演講焦慮,並檢驗自我概念與自我效能感是否為普羅透斯效應之中介機制。本研究實驗採取實驗法,以單因子(虛擬角色:英語母語人士外觀 vs. 非英語母語人士外觀)的受試者組間設計,實驗場景與流程模擬真實的課堂演講情境。本研究共有68位有效參與者,研究結果發現僅改變虛擬角色外觀無法讓使用者產生英語母語者的身份認同,並進而影響自我概念與自我效能感,另外,此研究提出自我與虛擬角色外觀的明顯差異會是觸發普羅透斯效應之要素。此外,與其他虛擬角色的互動性及認知負荷亦為影響因素,最後,本研究再次驗證過去文獻中自我效能感與外語焦慮的顯著關聯。實務上,本研究提供虛擬實境外語學習與演講練習的建議,提供未來在外語虛擬教室的設計參考。
    This study applies the Proteus effect by assigning Taiwanese students to virtual avatars resembling native English speakers to assess whether this embodiment reduces public speaking class anxiety in English. It also examines whether self-concept and self-efficacy mediate the effect. Using a between-subjects experimental design (avatar appearance: native vs. non-native English speaker), 68 participants engaged in a simulated classroom speech scenario. Results showed that changing avatar appearance alone did not induce native-speaker identity or significantly impact self-concept and self-efficacy. The study further suggests that a clear contrast between self and avatar appearance may trigger the Proteus effect. Interaction with virtual characters and cognitive load also played a role. Practically, this study offers insights for designing virtual reality-based foreign language learning and speech training environments.
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