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Title: | 流行疫情中的貪腐問題:Covid-19期間貪腐控制的空間分析2020 The Corruption Pandemic: A Spatial Analysis of Public Corruption during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic |
Authors: | 派崔克 Korwek, Patrick |
Contributors: | 廖興中 Liao, Hsin-Chung 派崔克 Korwek, Patrick |
Keywords: | 貪腐 COVID-19 公共衛生 空間分析 政治經濟學 GIS 地理 Corruption COVID-19 Public Health Spatial Analysis Political Economy GIS Geography |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 15:39:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 貪腐是當代社會中一個多層次且複雜的議題。本研究探討貪腐與 COVID-19 大流行之間的關聯性,並分析經濟與政治等因素對貪腐變化的影響。本研究假設,疫情可能導致貪腐情形加劇,並回顧相關文獻,指出過去研究如何討論流行病情境下的貪腐風險增加。 透過描述性空間分析,本研究未發現 COVID-19 風險百分比與貪腐變化(以 CPI 指標衡量)之間的顯著相關性。此外,自變數與因變數之間,包含全球自由指數、經濟自由指數、人均 GDP(美元/1,000)及電子化政府發展指數等控制變數,亦未呈現統計上的顯著關聯。研究結果顯示,CPI 平均值的變動與 2020 年 COVID-19 風險百分比之間並無明顯關係,也未能證實貪腐在疫情期間普遍上升的假設。此結果與部分既有研究的結論不同,顯示疫情對貪腐的影響可能受其他未納入的因素調節。 本研究結果為疫情下的貪腐議題提供了新的視角,並對未來相關政策的擬定與學術討論具有參考價值。 Corruption is a multifarious problem and concept that exists within society today. This study explores the relationship between corruption and the recent COVID-19 pandemic alongside contributing factors such as economic and political. The studies hypothesize an increase of corruption in relation to the pandemic. The literature discusses the increase in the risk in corruption due to certain pandemic processes as the involvement of well as other pandemics / epidemics in corruption. Recent studies of individual countries have shown an increase in corruption within the time frame of the pandemic. Through descriptive spatial analysis, this research does not view a corresponding relationship between the two variables, change in average of corruption, and COVID-19 risk %. There was also no significant correlation between the independent variable, and the dependent variable as well as the control variables: Global Freedom Index, Economic Freedom Index, GDP Per Capita (USD/1,000), E-Government Development Index. The findings propose that there is no significance between the change of averages of CPI and the 2020 COVID-19 risk % as well as relation to the control variables. This contradicts other research on the relationship of corruption with the pandemic although other research cannot specifically relate the increase in corruption to the pandemic along with this study. |
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