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Title: | 引領中國在印度洋的海軍野心:「一帶一路」倡議、共同繁榮和海權原則的作用 Navigating China’s Naval Ambitions in the Indian Ocean: The Role of BRI, Common Prosperity and Sea Power Principles |
Authors: | 莫曉萱 Lawniczak, Monika Sylwia |
Contributors: | 劉復國 Liu, Fu-Kuo 莫曉萱 Monika Sylwia Lawniczak |
Keywords: | 印度洋地區 能源安全 一帶一路 共同繁榮 海權原則 珍珠鏈 Indian Ocean Region energy security Belt and Road Initiative Common Prosperity Sea Power Principles String of Pearls |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 15:39:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 多年來,印太地區一直是全球商業的重要十字路口,許多海軍和貿易路線穿過其廣闊的水域。隨著時間的推移,該地區對於世界主要大國的重要性日益增強,該地區的海上安全問題也更加突顯。領土爭端、海盜、航道安全、能源安全和航行自由等都已成為印度洋地區的迫切問題,而中國是這些議題中最重要的當事人之一。中國海外基礎建設規劃構想了廣泛的合作機制,承載著中國與印度洋地區國家重要的政治和商業往來,對區域秩序和發展具有極為重要的戰略意義。 本論文研究了中國在印度洋地區不斷演變的海軍戰略和經濟舉措,同時重點關注中國在瓜達爾(巴基斯坦)、漢班托塔(斯里蘭卡)和皎漂(緬甸)三個主要港口的投資。透過使用海軍上校馬漢的海權原則分析視角,本研究試圖將中國在「一帶一路」倡議和共同繁榮理念下的行動情境化。透過對政策文件、學術文獻、網頁、期刊和案例研究等相關資料進行定性分析,本論文的研究凸顯了這些港口在增強中國海上存在和經濟影響力方面的戰略意義。 這項研究的結果表明,雖然中國投資承諾經濟成長、共同繁榮和改善區域聯通性,但它們也引發了人們對經濟依賴、債務可持續性和潛在地緣政治緊張局勢的擔憂。本文的結論是,透過馬漢的視角來理解中國的海洋野心,可以更細緻地了解其戰略目標,並強調需要建立平衡、合作的框架來應對區域挑戰和機會。 Over the years, the Indo-Pacific region has served as a vital crossroads for global commerce, with many naval trade routes crossing through its vast waters. With time, the region has grown increasingly important for major world powers, and maritime security issues within the area have become more prominent. Territorial disputes, piracy, sea lane safety, energy security, and freedom of navigation – have all become urging problems in the Indian Ocean Region, and China has been one of the most important parties in these issues. Chinese overseas infrastructure buildup plans envision a broad range of cooperation mechanisms and carry crucial political and business exchanges between China and IOR countries, thus their strategic implications for the regional order and development are incredibly significant. This thesis examines China’s evolving naval strategy and economic initiatives within the IOR while focusing on the Chinese investments in three key ports: Gwadar (Pakistan), Hambantota (Sri Lanka), and Kyaukpyu (Myanmar). By using the analytical lens of Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan’s sea power principles, this study attempts to contextualize Chinese actions under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Common Prosperity concept. Through conducting a qualitative analysis of secondary data, such as policy documents, academic literature, web pages, journals, and case studies, this thesis’s research highlights the strategic significance of these ports in enhancing China’s maritime presence and economic influence. The findings of this study indicate that while Chinese investments promise economic growth, common prosperity, and improved regional connectivity, they also raise concerns about economic dependency, debt sustainability, and potential geopolitical tensions. This thesis concludes that understanding China's maritime ambitions through Mahanian perspectives provides a more nuanced view of its strategic objectives and underscores the need for balanced, cooperative frameworks to address regional challenges and opportunities. |
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