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    Title: 台灣環境傳播中的可愛視覺
    Cute Environmental Communication in Taiwan
    Authors: 石昌明
    Baez, Jacinto Enrique Benitez
    Contributors: 吳考甯
    Jacinto Enrique Benitez Baez
    Keywords: 台灣
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:39:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文探討台灣機構在環境傳播中使用可愛意象的原因,重點分析三個組織:水利署(WRA)、台灣電力公司(TPC)及環境部(MOENV)。本研究結合人類與生態關係理論、可愛行銷策略與機構傳播動態,提出機構可愛環境主義的三大解釋因素。首先,可愛生態作為幽靈般的提醒,喚起對人類世工業發展代價的憂思,激發強烈的憂鬱情感。其次,受到全球與本土行銷趨勢影響,可愛設計已成為台灣機構的一種懷舊設計捷徑。第三,在機構傳播管理中,可愛卡通形象自然成為最受青睞的選擇。環境傳播利用人類世的憂鬱氛圍,而可愛作為一種曖昧的美學形式,既具有企業化與大眾化特質,卻也讓人感到一種被補償的情感。本論文分析三個不同群體來支持這些論點:作為可愛傳播創造者的機構、作為測試受眾的大學生,以及作為政府敘事替代方案的環保行動者。
    This thesis examines why Taiwanese institutions use cute imagery in environmental communication, focusing on three organizations: the Water Resources Agency (WRA), the Taiwan Power Company (TPC), and the Ministry of Environment (MOENV). Drawing on theories of human-ecology relations, the marketing of cuteness, and institutional communication dynamics, I argue that three factors explain cute environmentalism in institutions. First, cute ecologies act as ghostly reminders of the toll of industrial development in the Anthropocene, evoking powerful feelings of melancholy. Second, shaped by global and local marketing trends, cute designs have become a nostalgic design shortcut for institutions in Taiwan. Third, cute cartoons easily emerge as a favored choice in institutional communication management. Environmental communication leverages the melancholy of the Anthropocene, with cuteness functioning as an ambiguous aesthetic that is corporate and massified but feels vindicating. Three diverse groups are analyzed to support these claims: institutions, university students, and activists as alternatives to government narratives.
    Using a mixed-methods approach with interviews, visual analysis, and a survey experiment with students I examine the strategies, impacts, and alternatives of cute environmental communication elements, focusing on mascots of endangered animals as the most prevalent symbol. This study critiques technocentric discourses by incorporating insights from anthropology, activism, and graphic design. cuteness, while a nostalgic and effective heuristic device validated by marketing studies, also signals the need to reframe how humans talk about the environmental crisis.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109265515
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