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    Title: 從降落傘孩子到大學生:中國學生在德國之教育軌道
    From Parachute Student to University Student: Trajectories of Chinese Sojourners in Germany
    Authors: 周潤發
    Chow, Calvin Yan-Fat
    Contributors: 姜以琳
    Chiang, Yi-Lin
    Chow, Calvin Yan-Fat
    Keywords: 降落傘學生
    parachute students
    educational migration
    Chinese education
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:38:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討影響中國「降落傘學生」(parachute students)選擇赴德國進行早期留學(early study abroad, ESA)之決策因素。「降落傘學生」係指尚未進入高等教育階段,且無家長陪伴即被送往海外接受普通教育(如當地高中)之未成年學生。ESA 之主要目的地歷來以英語系國家為主,然近年來德國逐步成為替代性選擇。本研究採用半結構式訪談法,針對 12 名受訪者進行系統性分析,以識別其選擇德國為 ESA 目的地之核心驅動因素。研究結果顯示,家長於決策過程中扮演關鍵角色,主要關切教育途徑之可行性與經濟成本;學生則多為擺脫中國高度競爭之教育環境而選擇 ESA。本研究從跨國教育流動之視角剖析非主流 ESA 目的地之決策機制,並為教育遷徙研究提供另類之學術視角與實證依據。
    This thesis examines the reasoning behind the decision of Chinese parachute students to pursue early study abroad (ESA) in Germany. Parachute students are unaccompanied pre-college minors who are sent abroad by their families with the goal to attend general education (e.g. local high school) in the host country. While ESA trends typically center on English-speaking countries, Germany has emerged as an alternative destination. Through semi-structured interviews with 12 individuals, this study identifies key influences that shape the decision to pursue ESA in Germany. The findings reveal that parents of parachute students play a crucial role in the decision-making process. While students are primarily driven by a desire to escape the pressures of the competitive Chinese education system, parents focus on the practicality and affordability of educational pathways. Providing an alternative perspective in the field of educational migration, this study aims to untangle the motivating factors that led to the migratory trajectories of young Chinese individuals to an unconventional ESA destination.
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