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    Title: 習近平時期的維和行動研究─ 南蘇丹特派團與馬利特派團為例
    A Study of Peacekeeping Operations in the Xi Jinping Era - A Case Study of UNMISS and MINUSMA
    Authors: 林嘉蒨
    Lin, Chia-Chien
    Contributors: 黃瓊萩
    Huang, Chiung-Chiu
    Lin, Chia-Chien
    Keywords: 中國維和行動
    China’s peacekeeping operations
    United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
    United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
    National socialization
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:38:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究透過國家外交政策演變與國際維和行動,探討習近平執政時期中國在聯合國維和行動中的參與模式轉變,以及其對國際地位的影響。在研究架構上,本文共計有兩項主要命題:其一,習近平時期中國在維和行動中的行為模式及其延續性與非延續性;其二,中國參與維和行動對國際地位的影響變化。
    This study examines the transformation of China’s participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations (UNPKO) during Xi Jinping’s administration, focusing on the evolution of national foreign policy and international peacekeeping engagements. The study addresses two main research questions: first, the behavioral patterns of China’s peacekeeping operations under Xi Jinping and the extent of their continuity and discontinuity; second, the impact of China’s peacekeeping participation on its international status.
    Through a review of relevant literature on UN peacekeeping operations and an analysis of international media coverage of China’s role in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), this study finds that China has demonstrated a higher level of engagement and flexibility in peacekeeping efforts under Xi’s leadership. In terms of continuity, China has maintained its commitment to the principles of "non-interference in internal affairs" and "respect for sovereignty." However, in terms of discontinuity, China’s peacekeeping efforts have extended beyond traditional humanitarian assistance to more proactive involvement in security affairs, reflecting strategic adjustments and a transformation of its role.
    The findings indicate that China’s peacekeeping behavior during Xi’s administration has been driven by two key factors. First, the integration of economic interests and national image-building, particularly evident in South Sudan. Second, China’s efforts to project itself as a "responsible major power," strengthening its position in global security governance.
    Regarding its international status, China’s participation in UN peacekeeping has indeed expanded its influence in global peacekeeping decision-making and increased its support and recognition in Africa. This study applies socialization theory to argue that China’s actions in South Sudan and Mali are in the "social influence" stage, where it assimilates international norms and engages in multilateral efforts to enhance its integration into global governance. However, its peacekeeping approach remains constrained by tensions between international norms and its long-standing principles. While China’s engagement in peacekeeping under Xi Jinping has provided an opportunity to elevate its international status, it also highlights the challenges of balancing economic interests, policy consistency, and international responsibilities.
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