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    Title: 赴陸臺商之投資背景與回流原因探究
    Research on the Investment Background and Homecoming Reasons of Taiwanese Companies in Mainland China
    Authors: 王俐潔
    Wang, Li-Jie
    Contributors: 彭立忠
    Wang, Li-Jie
    Keywords: 臺灣企業
    Taiwanese enterprise
    Foreign Direct Investment
    Industry development
    Case study
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:36:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 赴投資為臺灣經濟的重要支柱之一,有哪些因素影響了企業的赴陸投資與回流歷程。本文以比較分析法與訪談法作為研究途徑,旨在探討臺商赴中國大陸的投資背景及其回流臺灣的原因。
    Investment in Mainland China is one of the key pillars of Taiwan's economy. Different factors influence the process of Taiwanese enterprises investing in Mainland China and their subsequent reshoring. This study adopts a comparative analysis and interview-based research approach to explore the background of Taiwanese business investment in Mainland China and the reasons for their return to Taiwan.
    First, a comparative analysis is conducted on the industrial policies, macro political and economic environment, and firm-specific characteristics across different presidential administrations since the lifting of martial law. Second, this study selects several Taiwanese businesses from the textile and electronics industries for qualitative interviews. In addition to case analysis, the interview results are examined using Benstead, Stevenson and Hendry’s reshoring framework, which categorizes factors into drivers, implementation, and contingency factors to explain the reasons and differences behind reshoring in the textile and electronics industries.
    The reasons for investing in Mainland China and reshoring to Taiwan vary by industry. The textile industry initially invested in Mainland China due to cost advantages. While there were drivers for reshoring, Taiwan's conditions were insufficient to facilitate the implementation of reshoring. The electronics industry, on the other hand, invested in Mainland China due to policy liberalization and was attracted by lower production costs, a well-established supply chain, and a skilled workforce. However, the U.S.-China trade war became the tipping point for the electronics industry to implement reshoring.
    Additionally, the study finds that, for Taiwanese businesses, company related factor and product related factor serve as key contingency factors in reshoring decisions, while government policies and native feelings factors are not significant contingency factors influencing their reshoring.
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