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Title: | 虛擬社群民族誌:線上遊戲社群建構出之關係模式與社會網絡 Virtual Community Ethnography: Relationship Patterns and Social Networks Constructed by Online Gaming Communities |
Authors: | 匡佑倫 Kuang, Yu-Lun |
Contributors: | 何浩慈 Ho, Hao-Tzu 匡佑倫 Kuang, Yu-Lun |
Keywords: | 網路民族誌 虛擬社群 線上遊戲平臺 數位身份 數位社會支持 生命真空時刻 cyber ethnography virtual community online gaming platform digital identity digital social support vacuum moments in life |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 15:36:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究聚焦於「Internect線上遊戲平臺」上的虛擬社群,探討玩家線上互動模式與其背後的人際關係建構。本研究期待探討數位平臺上人際關係發展,特別專注於成年人在平臺上建立之情感聯繫,及此種關係如何成為個人情感支持來源。研究方法以人類學方法論、民族誌式田野調查為基礎,透過參與觀察、深度訪談、閒談及文本分析等方式取得資料,理解玩家之行為、情感表達及關係互動。 研究發現,平臺設計及其即時語音通訊功能促使參與者進行擬真、甚至超越線下互動之情感交流,並構建出多樣化的關係模式。首先,虛擬社群中之信任建立不同於現實世界,其匿名性和靈活性使玩家能在較低心理成本下建立信任,自然而然自我揭露,分享生活中的困境與情感。其次,這些互動形式中,玩家常以「新的身分」進行自我表達,突破現實中社會角色限制,探索自我價值,並滿足情感需求。研究亦發現,隨著信任深化,玩家間的關係從表面互動逐漸轉向更為深層之情感依附,部分玩家甚至將彼此視為超越朋友、「家人」般的存在。然而,虛擬社群中的關係也相當脆弱並充滿不確定性,當信任破裂或誤解發生時,這些關係可能迅速瓦解。 即便如此,本研究指出,虛擬遊戲平臺不僅為休閒娛樂場所,它在當代數位生活中扮演了情感支持與身分重塑之重要角色,尤其對於處於本論文將詳述之「生命真空狀態」中的個體,虛擬社群成為了至關重要之情感補償機制,玩家因現實生活挫折與情感孤立而投入虛擬社群尋求情感寄託,社群提供了臨時情感避風港,使玩家得以暫時逃避現實困境,在與線上「朋友」、「家人」互動過程中尋找自我重建的契機。 This study examines virtual communities on the "Internect", an online gaming platform. This research focuses on various forms of online interactions of adult players and the interpersonal relationships they build. The research is motivated by understanding how relationships develop on digital platforms, particularly the emotional bonds formed by adults and how these connections serve as sources of emotional support. Adopting an anthropological perspective and ethnographic methodology, this study employs participant observation, in-depth interviews, casual conversations, and text analysis to collect data. It explores players’ behaviors, emotional expressions, and interactions. The findings reveal that the platform’s design, particularly its real-time voice communication feature, fosters authentic emotional exchanges, leading to diverse relationship patterns. First, trust-building in virtual communities differs from that in the physical world. The anonymity and flexibility of the platform reduce psychological barriers, enabling players to establish trust with lower emotional risk. This facilitates self-disclosure and the sharing of personal challenges and emotions. Second, players often adopt "new identities" in these interactions, freeing themselves from the constraints of social roles which they play in the off-line world. This allows them to explore their self-worth and fulfill emotional needs. As trust deepens, relationships frequently evolve from superficial interactions to profound attachments. Some players even regard each other as "family," transcending typical friendships. However, relationships in virtual communities are also characterized by uncertainty and fragility. When trust is broken or misunderstandings arise, these bonds can quickly unravel. Despite the uncertainty and fragility, this research highlights that online gaming platforms are more than sites for leisure and entertainment; they play a vital role in providing emotional support and fostering identity reconstruction in modern digital life. For individuals experiencing, as conceptualized in this thesis, "life vacuum moments," these communities serve as crucial social and emotional supports. During "life vacuum moments," when players face setbacks and emotional isolation in their off-line lives, they often seek refuge on these platforms. Virtual communities provide a temporary safety zone, enabling players to temporarily escape real-world struggles and provided with opportunities to reconstruct self. |
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