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Title: | 跨國鎮壓民主的制度主義觀點-以塞爾維亞的俄羅斯離散族群為例 An Institutionalist Perspective on Transnational Repression of Democracy: The Case of Russian Diaspora in Serbia |
Authors: | 裴天洁 Tijana, Pajic |
Contributors: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung-Fang 裴天洁 Pajic Tijana |
Keywords: | 跨國鎮壓 離散社群 安全 制度化 俄羅斯 塞爾維亞 Transnational Repression Diaspora Security Institutionalization Russia Serbia |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 15:34:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在透過對俄羅斯離散社群於塞爾維亞遭受制度性跨國鎮壓的小型個案研究,探索該現象中涉及的不同層次、行為者及工具,並試圖理解跨國鎮壓日益制度化的模式。本案例研究追蹤了公開分享的鎮壓行動記述,這些行動影響了 2022 年至 2024 年期間曾居住在或仍居住在塞爾維亞的七名俄羅斯人。透過聚焦於該現象的制度層面,筆者試圖回答以下問題:我們是否可以假設跨國鎮壓在制度化程度存在性質上的差異?以及可能產生的後果為何?研究結果表明,跨國鎮壓的制度化可以被分為三個層級,其中第二層級,依賴雙邊安全與情報合作,被證明是最常被使用(濫用)的方式。此外,研究也顯示,一些外部因素可以被離散社群利用,以對抗跨國鎮壓中的制度性行動。 This research aims to, by conducting a small-scale case study of institutional transnational repression of the Russian diaspora in Serbia, forge an understanding of various levels, actors, and tools of increasingly institutionalized patterns of transnational repression. This case study follows the publicly shared accounts of repressive acts that have affected seven Russian individuals who either have or still are residing in Serbia between the years of 2022 and 2024. By focusing on the institutional dimensions of the proposed phenomenon, the author seeks to answer the following question: can we suppose that there are qualitatively relevant differences in the levels of institutionalization of transnational repression, and what could be the potential consequences? As our research suggests, three degrees of institutional transnational repression can be differentiated, while the second one - relying on bilateral security and intelligence cooperation – has proven to be the most frequently (ab)used. The research also indicates that some external factors can be utilized by diaspora communities to combat institutional acts of transnational repression. |
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