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    Title: 檢視台灣馬拉威關係的三個面向: 事件、參與者經歷以及神話
    The Three Keys in Taiwan-Malawi Relations: Event, Experience and Myth
    Authors: 郭南毅
    Kuo, Nan-Yi
    Contributors: 劉曉鵬
    Liu, Hsiao-Pong
    Kuo, Nan-Yi
    Keywords: 台灣馬拉威關係
    Taiwan-Malawi Relations
    Cross-Strait Relations
    Development Assistance
    Taiwan Diplomatic History
    New Historicism
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:34:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文欲透過多面向史觀探討台灣馬拉威關係,從官方紀載的歷史撰述、參與其中的當事人經驗以及後人對該段歷史的想像與詮釋作為三種面向的史觀。藉此比較觀點間的差異,並提供有別於台灣在喪失邦交國後,指控大陸因金援外交而導致邦交國與我方斷交的論述。
    The article attempts to explore the multidimensional aspects of Taiwan-Malawi relations. Building upon Cohen’s findings, we have divided a single historical narrative into three distinct keys: the official historical record, the perspectives of those who experienced the events, and the narratives provided by descendants. By comparing the differences in perspectives, we can offer opinions beyond mere financial diplomacy statements made by Taiwan.
    Reference: English Literature
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