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Title: | 佳山計畫與土地收奪 - 太魯閣族大山Ōyama部落族人的迫遷與認同 The Jiashan Project and land deprivation: the eviction and identity of the Ōyama community, Truku people |
Authors: | 洛金達紹 Tasaw, Lowking |
Contributors: | 陳怡萱 洛金達紹 Lowking Tasaw |
Keywords: | 認同 離散 太魯閣族 大山部落 歷史記憶 族群意識 Identity Diaspora Truku people Ōyama community Historical memory Ethnic consciousness |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 15:29:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 大山部落的起源可追溯至1917年,日本殖民政府為便於治理,強制將Rusaw洛韶社(或稱Wili,委里社)的族人遷至山腳下的Katangka(臺語:茄苳腳)定居。復因遷徙地爆發瘟疫,導致族人大量死亡,最終不得不再次遷移至大山部落的現址。自1953年以後,陸續有其他部落的太魯閣族支群遷入,形成了多元支群混居的部落文化。這種聚落融合促使不同背景的族人在共同生活中發展出屬於大山的共生模式,並在地理、文化與社會連結上形塑了部落獨特的面貌。1980年代,國家為推動佳山計畫(建安三號),徵收大山部落的土地,用以興建空軍基地。徵收過程倉促,族人從得知部落即將被徵收到搬遷完成僅僅數年。由於政府未能提供適合整個部落集體搬遷的土地,族人被迫分散,各自尋找新家園。隨著族群的離散,原作為文化實踐場域的大山部落無法延續,部落生活與傳統文化遭受毀滅性影響。筆者出生於大山部落,自遷出至今已有近40年。現有文獻資料中,鮮有關於大山部落的詳細紀錄。基於對大山部落的認同與使命感,希望透過本研究,以學術文字呈現大山部落的歷史與文化全貌,並為後裔族人未來的尋根之路提供依循的方向。本研究以部落的遷徙歷程及土地徵收經驗為切入點,深入探討族人在歷史轉折中的文化調適與身份認同,並期望帶領族人走一趟自我認識、自我肯定的歷史追尋之旅。 The origin of the Ōyama community can be traced back to 1917, when the Japanese colonial government forcibly relocated the residents of Rusaw (also known as Wili) to the foothills at Katangka (Taiwanese: 茄苳腳 ) for easier governance. However, an outbreak of a plague in the relocation area caused a large number of deaths among the community, forcing them to move again to the present site of Ōyama. After 1953, other subgroups of the Truku people from different communities gradually settled in Ōyama, creating a multicultural community with diverse subgroups. This integration fostered a model of cohabitation, where people from different backgrounds developed a shared lifestyle, shaping the community’s unique identity through its geographical, cultural, and social connections. In the 1980s, the government launched the Jiashan Project (Jianan No. 3) and expropriated the land of Ōyama to build an air force base. The land acquisition process was abrupt, and it took only a few years from the time the residents were informed of the expropriation to the completion of the relocation. Since the government did not provide suitable land for the entire community to relocate collectively, residents were forced to disperse and seek new homes on their own. This dispersal disrupted the community and severed the cultural practices rooted in Ōyama, causing a devastating impact on traditional community life and culture. I was born in Ōyama, and nearly 40 years have passed since the relocation. Existing literature contains only limited records of the history of Ōyama. Motivated by a strong sense of identity and responsibility toward my community, this study seeks to present a comprehensive account of Ōyama’s history and culture through academic writing. It aims to serve as a guide for future generations in their quest for cultural roots. Focusing on the community’s migration journey and land expropriation experience, this research delves into how community members have adapted culturally and redefined their identities during key historical transitions. Ultimately, it hopes to lead community members on a journey of self-discovery and affirmation through a shared exploration of history. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 土地政策與環境規劃碩士原住民專班 108267009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108267009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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