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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/156076

    Title: 土地適宜性分析是否為臺灣光電區位之決策關鍵-以盤點農業綠能專區為例
    Is Land Suitability Analysis the Key to Decision-Making on PV Location in Taiwan: Taking the Agricultural Green Energy Zone as an Example
    Authors: 陳奕樵
    Chen, I-Chiao
    Contributors: 鄭安廷
    Cheng, An-Ting
    Chen, I-Chiao
    Keywords: 太陽光電區位
    PV Location
    Land Suitability Analysis
    Agricultural Green Energy Zones
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:18:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討臺灣發展太陽光電的過程中,土地適宜性分析所扮演的角色,並以農業綠能專區為例,深入探討影響臺灣太陽光電區位決策的其他關鍵因素。
    This study explores land suitability analysis's role in Taiwan's solar photovoltaic (PV) development, using agricultural green energy zones as an example. It analyzes factors influencing solar PV location decisions amid global carbon reduction efforts. The research reflects on the effectiveness of land suitability analysis in site selection, considering social, economic, environmental, and political factors to optimize planning.
    The study covers land suitability analysis, solar PV location, and agricultural green energy zones. Methods include literature reviews and interviews with experts, government, and NGOs. The results reveal technical limitations in land suitability analysis, like subjective criteria and data collection, with abstract factors (such as public attitudes) hard to include. It serves as a preliminary screening tool, but results differ from PV operators' needs. Issues like insufficient grid connections and land costs show it's hard to rely on solely. Factors affecting solar PV location include public opinion, government coordination, and local incentives, aligning with values, communication, and strategies.
    In summary, this study believes that land suitability analysis is not a key factor in determining Taiwan's photovoltaic location. Photovoltaic site selection is a complex process that requires comprehensive consideration of multiple aspects such as scientific tools, communication processes, development strategies and values.
    Reference: 一、中文參考文獻

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