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    Title: 論唐代兩稅法「一錢之歛」決策歷史脈絡
    A study of the historical context about the “All taxes levied in copper coins” policy of Two-Tax System in Tang China
    Authors: 林俊吉
    Lin, Chun-Chi
    Contributors: 王德權
    Wang, Te-Chuan
    Lin, Chun-Chi
    Keywords: 兩稅法
    Two-Tax System
    All Tax Levied in Coins
    Unit of Account
    Tang Dynasty
    Public Finance
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 15:16:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 唐代兩稅法提及「一錢之歛」原則,為唐中期以後的國家賦稅收入,區隔出實物和貨幣兩種不同的賦稅計算和徵收方式,與魏晉以來偏重糧食和布帛的實物徵收模式,截然不同。實物徵收的意義在於順應農民耕作的生產物,直接納入政府,合乎聖王愛民的統治觀念,不須承擔貨幣的價值剝削。兩稅法後,錢重物輕的現象造成農民納稅沉重的負擔,即使是當代文人也勸諫新法的沉痾積弊。而德宗登基後的第一年(780)立即宣布新法,其改革目的必然有其合理的需要和經濟社會基礎,否則爾後歷朝也不會沿用兩稅的原則和基礎,進而發展類似的賦稅方式。筆者認為這裡兩個重要因素,一為兩稅法的施行動機,二為銅錢概念的變化。
    The two-tax system(兩稅法) of the Tang Dynasty mentioned the principle of “all tax paid in coins(一錢之歛)”, which distinguished between two different methods of calculating and collecting taxes: physical and monetary, it is completely different from the physical collection model that has focused on grain and textile since the Wei and Jin dynasties. The significance of physical collection lies in conforming to the production of farmers' cultivation and directly paid it into the government as tax, in line with the ruling concept of the mercy king, and without any exploitation of monetary exchange value. After the implementation of the two-tax system, the phenomenon of “coin appreciated, grain and textile price falled(錢重物輕)” has resulted in a heavy tax burden for peasants, and even contemporary literati advise against the merciless problems of the new tax law. In the first year after Emperor Dezong ascended the throne (780), the new law was immediately announced, the purpose of its reform surely have its reasonable needs and economic and social foundation, otherwise subsequent dynasties would not have adopted it as the base to developed similar taxation methods. The author believes that there are two important factors here, one is the motivation for the implementation of the two-tax system, and the other is the change in the concept of copper coins.
    Many scholars have contributed their research on the two-tax system, analyzing them from multiple perspectives, and proposing the reasons for their implementation, factors such as party disputes, changes in land production relations, issues with the division of central and local finance and taxation, the implementation of the quantity based system, the origin of the two-tax system, the impact of the new system, etc., they are diverse and highly accomplished, so this article will not delve into them repeadedly. However, in the mentioned research achievements, there is still a lack of in-depth exploration on the issue of “all tax paid in coins(一錢之歛)”. Especially since the turmoil of the late Han Dynasty, the government has not actively minted coins, resulting in deflation due to the supply shortages for hundreds of years. In the early Tang Dynasty, although there was the casting and issuance of Kaiyuan Tongbao(開元通寶), the private money still flowed freely to make up for the market shortage. At the end of the Kaiyuan(開元) period, a decree was issued stating that “both money and textile shall be used(錢帛兼行)”, and after the two tax laws, transactions were carried out with “paid with textile mostly(多配綾絹)”, indicated the circulation shortage of coins. Why is the policy of ”all tax paid in coins(一錢之歛)” forcibly included in the two-taxes system when there is an extreme shortage of currency?
    In the early Tang Dynasty, nearly a century and a half, the empire was unified and the commocial economy achieved good development. Although the coins are insufficien, its use has a qualitative change, because the “unit of account” of copper coins has become the value standard for public financial dispatch and management. This article will be based on the public financial dispatch, government expenditures, and tax revenues of the Tang Dynasty before the implementation of the two-ax system, re-examining the importance of coins in relevant management systems and the background factors, attempt to analyze the decision of the two-tax system regarding the “all tax paid in coins(一錢之歛)”.
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