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    Title: 越南銜轉生跨文化適應與華語學習之個案研究
    A Case Study of Vietnamese Transnational Students' Intercultural Adaptation and Chinese Language Learning
    Authors: 張育瑄
    Chang, Yu-Hsuan
    Contributors: 黃雅英
    Huang, Ya-Ying
    Chang, Yu-Hsuan
    Keywords: 銜轉生
    Transnational Student
    Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
    Chinese language learning
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:51:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,台灣各級學校逐漸接納一批跨國銜轉生。根據跨國銜轉學生教育網統計資料,這類學生的總人數已超過千人,雖然佔全國學生總數的比例不高,但其適應新生活的情況,尤其是語言學習問題,成為影響其學業與社交發展的關鍵。這些具有多元文化背景的學生,為台灣的教育體系帶來全新的挑戰。
    In recent years, schools in Taiwan have gradually accepted a group of transnational students. According to statistics from the Transnational Students Education Network, there are more than 1,000 such students. Although they do not account for a high percentage of the total number of students in Taiwan, their adaptation to a new life, especially their language learning, has become a key factor affecting their academic and social development. These students with multicultural backgrounds bring new challenges to Taiwan's education system.
    Bennett's (1986) model of intercultural sensitivity development suggests that an individual's intercultural adaptation is a process of self-awareness change, which involves six stages: denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, adjustment, and integration. Based on this model, this study examines the intercultural adaptation process and Chinese language learning experiences of a Vietnamese transnational student in a Taiwanese national high school. A case study approach was adopted to collect data from various sources, including in-depth interviews, archival data (e.g., diaries, parent-teacher contact records), and observation records, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the case's developmental process in terms of school adjustment, peer interaction, and family support.
    The study found that the intercultural adaptation process of the Vietnamese Bridging students showed a gradual change from the initial defense stage to the acceptance stage. The improvement of language ability is crucial to the adaptation process. Through Chinese language learning, the students gradually changed from passive receivers to active participants, and made significant progress in their academic and interpersonal interactions. Peer support played a key role in the adaptation process, helping to build up a sense of belonging and self-confidence. However, the cases were still not familiar with culturally specific situations such as interactions with elders.
    This study found that language proficiency and intercultural sensitivity were closely related, and peer support was an important driver of both. In addition, the fact that the cases were still rusty in specific cultural contexts (e.g., interaction with elders) reflects that the development of cultural understanding and application skills is equally important. Therefore, in addition to language proficiency training, the counseling for articulation students should also strengthen intercultural knowledge and social interaction opportunities, so as to help them integrate into the Taiwanese society in a more comprehensive way.
    Reference: 中文參考文獻
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