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    题名: 2023年土耳其大地震的台灣再現:以土耳其網路新聞為例
    Taiwan's Representation of the 2023 Turkish Earthquake: A Case Study of Turkish Online News
    作者: 張小雨
    贡献者: 黃葳威
    关键词: 地震
    Turkish Media
    News Reports
    Media Representation
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 14:51:13 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究檢視了 2023 年土耳其發生大地震後,土耳其媒體如何再現台灣的救 援工作。透過分析 2023 年 2 月至 11 月期間發布的 34 篇網路新聞文章,我評 估了台灣搜救隊的代表性。本研究基於媒體再現理論,研究了新聞中使用的語言、 視覺效果和敘事框架。
    本論文發現,土耳其媒體普遍在團結、合作、專業知識的框架中報導台灣。 本研究採用了文本分析方法。此方法用於確定新聞中重複出現哪些字詞和敘述模 式、優先選擇哪些圖像以及突出哪些主題。研究發現,新聞報導,尤其是包含「英 雄敘事」的報導,強調了台灣隊的犧牲和勇氣。視覺分析顯示,新聞報導中使用 的照片經常展示台灣隊伍積極救援和救生的姿態。
    這項研究對於了解媒體如何呈現災後援助以及此類新聞對人們的影響具有 重要意義。看來,台土兩國長期以來的互助關係,因這次地震而復活了。媒體的 新聞基調、詞語的選擇以及視覺效果的運用對國家間關係產生了間接的影響。研 究運用媒體再現理論和文本分析,揭示了不同文化背景的人們在災難時刻如何走 到一起以及如何合作。
    This study examines how Taiwan’s rescue efforts were reproduced in the Turkish media following the 2023 major earthquake in Turkey. By analyzing 34 online news articles published between February and November 2023, I assess the representation of Taiwan’s search and rescue teams. This study examines the language, visuals, and narrative frames used in the news based on media representation theory.
    This study found that Turkish media generally report Taiwan within the framework of solidarity, cooperation, and expertise. This study adopted text analysis method. This method is used to determine which words and narrative patterns appear repeatedly in the news, which images are prioritized, and which topics are highlighted. The study found that news reports, especially those containing "hero narratives," emphasized the sacrifice and courage of the Taiwanese team. Visual analysis shows that photos used in news reports often show Taiwanese team actively performing rescue and lifesaving actions.
    This study has important implications for understanding how the media presents post-disaster aid and the impact of such news on people. It seems that the long-standing mutual assistance relationship between Taiwan and Turkey has been revived by this earthquake. The tone of news, word choice, and use of visuals by the media have an indirect impact on relations between countries. The study uses media representation theory and text analysis to reveal how people from different cultural backgrounds come together and narrate their collaboration in times of disaster.
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111464058
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