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Title: | 以使用與滿足理論探討社群平台Threads的持續使用意圖 Continuous Usage Intentions of Threads: A Study with Uses and Gratifications Theory |
Authors: | 李若凡 Lee, Ruo-Fan |
Contributors: | 李怡志 Li, Yi-Zhi 李若凡 Lee, Ruo-Fan |
Keywords: | 使用與滿足理論 娛樂性 社交互動 追求地位 Threads Instagram Uses and Gratifications Theory Entertainment Social interaction Status-seeking |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:50:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著社交媒體快速發展,Threads作為一個新興的社群平台,吸引了大量使用者的關注。然而,目前針對Threads平台的研究仍相對較少。此外,本研究觀察發現使用者在Instagram與Threads上的使用行為呈現出差異,而兩個平台均隸屬於Meta旗下的社群媒體,因此,本研究認為探討Instagram與Threads這兩個平台之間的相互關係,以及使用者的行為差異,對於理解平台功能如何影響使用者行為具有重要意義。 本研究以使用與滿足理論為基礎,聚焦於Threads平台的特性,欲了解平台的娛樂性、社交互動功能,以及使用者追求地位、尋求資訊及網路煩惱等因素,如何影響使用者的滿足感與持續使用意圖。同時,也以Instagram的使用經驗作為調節變項,進一步探討其對上述關係的影響。 研究採用問卷調查法,收集Instagram及Threads平台的使用者資訊。並以統計軟體SPSS 27.0執行各項統計分析。本研究發現:平台功能中的「娛樂性」和「社交互動」對使用者的持續使用意圖具有顯著的正向影響,顯示這些功能能夠促進使用者的參與度和黏著度。此外,使用者感知的「追求地位」和平台的「網路煩惱」屬性,則對持續使用意圖產生負向影響,表示平台若過度強調社交地位或造成使用者困擾,可能會削弱使用者對於平台的忠誠度。 另外,滿足感在平台功能與持續使用意圖之間扮演了重要的中介角色,顯示滿足感引發的正向情緒體驗能夠加強平台功能對使用者行為的影響。而Instagram使用經驗對Threads平台的持續使用意圖具有負向調節作用,也表示擁有較高Instagram使用經驗的用戶,在Threads上獲得的滿足感對其持續使用意圖的影響較弱。因此,為了吸引更多Instagram使用經驗豐富的用戶,Threads應考慮發展差異化的功能,如即時討論串等,避免與Instagram的功能過度重疊。 本研究提供了社交平台經營者及品牌主平台功能設計及使用者行為的深入見解,並提出了提升使用者黏著度和跨平台間行銷相關的實務建議。未來研究可進一步探討更多因素如何影響使用者行為,並擴展至其他社交平台進行比較分析。 With the rapid development of social media, Threads, as an emerging platform, has attracted significant attention from users. However, there is relatively limited academic research on the Threads platform. Moreover, the study observes that user behavior on Instagram and Threads shows notable differences, although both platforms belong to Meta.Therefore, the study believes that exploring the interrelationship between Instagram and Threads, as well as the behavioral differences of users, is crucial for understanding how platform features influence user behavior. The study is based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory, focusing on the characteristics of the Threads platform. It aims to explore how platform features such as entertainment, social interaction, status-seeking, information-seeking, and online hassles influence users' satisfaction and continuous usage intentions. Additionally, the study considers Instagram usage experience as a moderating variable to further examine its impact on the aforementioned relationships. A questionnaire survey was employed to collect data from users of Instagram and Threads. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 27.0, and the findings are as follows: Platform features, such as "entertainment" and "social interaction," significantly positively affect users' continuous usage intentions, indicating that these features enhance user engagement and retention. Conversely, "status-seeking" and "online hassles" negatively affect continuous usage intentions, suggesting that excessive emphasis on social status or creating online discomfort may diminish users' loyalty to the platform. Furthermore, satisfaction plays a critical mediating role between platform features and continuous usage intentions, as positive emotional experiences triggered by satisfaction amplify the influence of platform features on user behavior. Instagram usage experience negatively moderates the relationship between satisfaction and continuous usage intention on the Threads platform, meaning that users with higher Instagram experience are less likely to be influenced by satisfaction in their continuous usage intentions on Threads. The study provides social platform operators and brand managers with valuable insights into platform feature design and user behavior, offering practical suggestions for enhancing user engagement and cross-platform marketing strategies. Future research could further investigate additional factors that influence user behavior and expand to comparative analysis across other social platforms. |
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