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    Title: AI虛擬新聞主播擬人化程度對閱聽人的新聞態度與新聞觀看意圖之影響
    The Impact of AI News Anchors’ Anthropomorphism on Audiences’ News Attitude and News-Watching Intentions
    Authors: 張祺淯
    Chang, Chi-Yu
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Husan
    Chang, Chi-Yu
    Keywords: 人工智慧(AIET)
    AI-enabled technology (AIET)
    AI news anchor
    audience attitudes toward news
    news-watching intentions
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:50:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著人工智慧的快速變革與生成式AI突破性的技術發展,運用AI虛擬新聞主播來播報新聞,逐漸成為新聞媒體產業的重要趨勢之一,其中擬人化 (Anthropomorphism)被廣泛運用在AI虛擬新聞主播的外觀設計與表達方式上, 因此本研究旨在探討AI虛擬新聞主播的擬人化程度會如何影響閱聽人的新聞態度及新聞觀看意圖。
    本研究採線上實驗法,以AI虛擬新聞主播的擬人化程度分為兩組:仿真人形象組與卡通化形象組的受試者間設計(between-subjects design),將外表吸引力(Attractiveness)作為中介變項、可信度(Trustworthiness)作為調節變項,此 次實驗ㄧ共有80位受試者。研究結果發現,AI虛擬新聞主播的擬人化程度與外 表吸引力呈正相關;且外表吸引力對閱聽人的新聞態度與新聞觀看意圖有顯著正向影響,此外,外表吸引力在擬人化程度與閱聽人新聞態度、新聞觀看意圖的關係中有中介效果,然而可信度在以上關係中並未具有調節效果。
    With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and the breakthrough development of generative AI technologies, the use of AI virtual news anchors has emerged as a significant trend in the news media industry. Anthropomorphism is widely applied in the design and presentation of AI virtual news anchors. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate how the degree of anthropomorphism in AI news anchors influences audience attitudes toward news and their intentions to watch news.
    This study conducted an online experiment, categorizing AI news anchors into two groups based on the degree of anthropomorphism: a human-like image group and a cartoon-like image group, using a between-subjects design. Attractiveness was examined as a mediator variable, while trustworthiness served as a moderator variable. A total of 80 participants were recruited for this experiment. The findings indicate that higher levels of anthropomorphism in AI news anchors were positively associated with greater attractiveness. Attractiveness positively influenced audience attitudes toward news and their news-watching intentions. Furthermore, attractiveness mediated the relationship between the degree of anthropomorphism and both audience attitudes toward news and their news-watching intentions. However, trustworthiness did not exhibit a moderating effect within these relationships.
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