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    Title: 社群媒體中網路外部性調節正負向評論機制對自我呈現策略在行為意圖之影響
    The Effect of Network Externalities and the Moderating Mechanism of Positive and Negative Comments on Self-Presentation Strategies and Behavioral Intentions in Social Media
    Authors: 李晨影
    Li, Chenying
    Contributors: 陳聖智
    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Li, Chenying
    Keywords: 正向評論
    Positive Comments
    Negative Comments
    Network Externality
    Online Self-Presentation Strategies
    Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
    Behavioral Intentions
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:49:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討社群媒體中正負向評論機制及網路外部性如何影響使用者
    This study aims to explore how the mechanisms of positive and negative reviews in social media, along with network externalities, influence users' online selfpresentation strategies and subsequently affect their behavioral intentions.
    With the rapid development of digitalization, online reviews have become a crucial reference for consumer decision-making and social interactions. Simultaneously,
    the network externalities of social media platforms—the impact of user scale on platform value—further amplify the moderating role of reviews on self-presentation behaviors.
    This research addresses three core questions: (1) How do different types of reviews (positive and negative) influence users' self-presentation strategies? (2) Do network
    externalities moderate the impact of review mechanisms on self-presentation strategies?
    (3) How do self-presentation strategies affect users' behavioral intentions? By integrating theoretical foundations of review mechanisms, self-presentation, and
    network externalities, this study constructs a multi-level structural equation model (SEM) to empirically examine the relationships between these variables.
    The empirical results indicate that positive reviews generally encourage users to adopt proactive self-presentation strategies, such as controlling information disclosure, maintaining role consistency, and idealized performance. In contrast, negative reviews may lead users to adopt more conservative self-presentation strategies, such as increasing role distance or actively correcting mistakes. Additionally, network externalities further influence the strength of these review effects. Furthermore, selfpresentation strategies significantly impact behavioral intentions, suggesting that individuals' online self-presentation behaviors adapt to social pressures arising from reviews, thereby altering their willingness to engage in interactions.
    Reference: 中文部分
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