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Title: | 初探事實查核組織的敘事策略 On the Narrative Strategy Of Fact Checking Organization |
Authors: | 方圓 Fang, Yuan |
Contributors: | 陳百齡 方圓 Fang, Yuan |
Keywords: | 事實查核 事實查核組織 敘事分析 敘事理論 Fact Check Fact-checking Organization Narrative Analysis Narrative Theory |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:48:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 事實查核作為對抗假新聞的解方之一,能夠幫助受眾形成正確的認知。事實查核組織在敘事中以真實的內容資料作為基礎,透過語言的建構來推動敘事向前發展,並實現和讀者之間的說服溝通。本研究依照事實查核組織的性質,將事實查核組織分為新聞機構事實查核小組和第三方事實查核組織,通過對這兩類不同性質的事實查核組織所撰写的查核報告進行敘事分析,得出兩者敘事策略的異同,揭示組織的敘事特點與風格特徵。
但是兩者在具體書寫層面仍有所不同。新聞媒體的事實查核報告更類似於新聞報導的故事結構採用一定新聞寫作技巧,著重於事件的因果關係和時序發展,重視故事性、連貫性和可讀性。第三方事實查核組織的事實查核報告更接近學術報告,強調方法論、透明度以及邏輯性,注重提供完整和透明的資訊來源,使用客觀和中立的語言,給予詳細和全面的分析。 As one of the solutions to fight fake news, fact-checking can help the audience form correct cognition. Fact-checking organizations use real content data as the basis of narrative, promote narrative development through language construction, and achieve persuasive communication with readers. According to the nature of fact-checking organizations, this study divides fact-checking organizations into news agency fact-checking groups and third-party fact-checking organizations. By conducting narrative analysis on the fact-checking reports written by these two types of fact-checking organizations, the similarities and differences of the narrative strategies of the two are obtained, revealing the narrative characteristics and style features of the organizations.
The study found that both types of fact-checking organizations adopt the basic narrative structure of "claim-argument-verdict" and follow a clear and logical narrative framework, that is, first introduce the claim to be checked, then provide relevant evidence and analysis, and give a verdict on its truthfulness. This narrative structure helps to show the process and results of fact-checking, enhance persuasiveness and credibility. At the same time, both emphasize the importance of evidence, pay attention to the collection, citation and evaluation of evidence, use authoritative, reliable and objective data and information sources, avoid using subjective, vague and uncertain language, and strive to make the basis and conclusion of fact-checking scientific and fair.
However, the two are still different in terms of specific writing. Fact-checking reports by news media are more similar to the story structure of news reports, using certain news writing techniques, focusing on the causal relationship and chronological development of events, and attaching importance to storytelling, coherence and readability. Fact-checking reports by third-party fact-checking organizations are closer to academic reports, emphasizing methodology, transparency and logic, focusing on providing complete and transparent sources of information, using objective and neutral language, and providing detailed and comprehensive analysis. |
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