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Title: | 台灣憲法法庭制度正當性與背書效果:以死刑案判決為例 The Institutional Legitimacy and Endorsement Effect of the Taiwan Constitutional Court: A Study of the Death Penalty Case |
Authors: | 賴永承 Lai, Yong-Cheng |
Contributors: | 韓義興 Han, Yi-Hsing 賴永承 Lai, Yong-Cheng |
Keywords: | 死刑 憲法法庭 說服理論 制度正當性 驗證性因素分析 Death Penalty Institutional Legitimacy Persuasion Theory Confirmatory Factor Analysis Taiwan Constitutional Court |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:48:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 關於法院的制度正當性如何測量,以及法院判決如何改變人們對爭議政策看法的問題,在臺灣罕見實證研究。本文以2024年憲法法庭作成的死刑案判決為例,援引說服傳播理論,探討民眾既存議題態度、認知判決與個人立場差距,以及對法院的制度正當性評價,如何影響民眾對廢除死刑與適用死刑範圍的態度轉變。此外,本研究亦建構憲法法庭制度正當性測量題組,並與其他法院公共支持指標加以區辨。 藉由死刑判決前後的兩波網路調查問卷,本研究成功追蹤402位受訪者,其中有312位知悉判決結果。經驗證性因素分析顯示,憲法法庭的制度正當性與公信力、政治涉入、溫暖度、滿意度、一般法院信任等概念均有差異。在政策背書方面,整體來說判決後民眾廢除死刑支持度下降,然而原先贊成廢死與反對廢死者,態度均往中間移動,推測是因大法官採取死刑合憲但限縮適用的折衷方式所致。此外,民眾越認為法庭具有制度正當性,判決後則越傾向支持廢死。在法理背書效果上,相對於主張限縮死刑者,原先傾向擴張死刑或死刑違憲的民眾,判決後均往限縮死刑方向轉變,但對主張死刑違憲或維持原先適用範圍者,判決後並沒有顯著變化。此外,制度正當性越高,判決後越傾向限縮死刑適用;特別的是,民眾認知判決立場與原先立場差距越大,越傾向增加死刑適用。 雖然受限樣本特性,本文研究發現無法擴及全國民意。但對於憲法法庭制度正當性與背書效果的初探成果,仍可與司法公共支持理論展開對話,使法政學術界更加留意憲法法庭的背書效果,以及大法官在爭議案件中可能扮演的角色。對實務界而言,本研究不僅可作為司法院或未來民意機關調查題組設計的重要基礎,對大法官而言,也可更審慎地思考判決如何說服潛在受眾。 Despite extensive theoretical debates, empirical research on how to measure the institutional legitimacy of courts and how judicial decisions alter public attitudes toward contentious policies remains scarce in Taiwan. Drawing on the 2024 death penalty ruling by the Taiwan Constitutional Court (TCC), this study employs persuasion theory to examine the influence of individuals’ pre-existing issue attitudes, the gap between their perception of the ruling and their personal stance, and their evaluations of the court's legitimacy on changes in support for both abolishing the death penalty and the scope of its application. In addition, the study develops a measurement instrument for assessing the TCC’s legitimacy, distinguishing it from other indicators of judicial public support. Using two waves of online surveys conducted before and after the ruling, the study successfully tracked 402 respondents, 312 of whom were aware of the ruling outcome. Confirmatory factor analysis reveals that the construct of institutional legitimacy differs from related concepts such as trustworthiness, political involvement, affective warmth, satisfaction, and general trust in the courts. In terms of policy endorsement, overall support for abolishing the death penalty declined following the decision; however, both proponents and opponents shifted toward more moderate positions, suggesting that the court’s decision—a compromise endorsing the constitutionality of the death penalty while restricting its application—has moderated public attitudes. Moreover, respondents who perceived higher institutional legitimacy in the court were more inclined to support abolition post-ruling. Regarding legal endorsement, individuals who initially favored either an expansion of the death penalty or its unconstitutionality tended to shift toward favoring its restricted application, whereas those originally advocating for its unconstitutionality or for maintaining the status quo showed no significant change. Furthermore, higher perceived institutional legitimacy was associated with a greater tendency to restrict the death penalty's application, while a larger discrepancy between the perceived and initial positions corresponded to increased support for its expansion. Although the sample characteristics limit the generalizability of these findings to national public opinion, the preliminary results contribute to the ongoing discourse on the legitimacy and endorsement effects of the TCC. The study underscores the importance of considering the persuasive impact of judicial decisions and the potential roles of Justices in shaping contentious policy debates. Practically, these findings can serve as a foundational framework for future survey design by the Judicial Yuan or other public opinion agencies and may prompt Justices to more carefully consider how their rulings influence public perceptions. |
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