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    Title: 義利之辯?多重價值下台灣中學教師的關係工作
    Morality or Self‐Interest? Relational Work of Taiwanese Secondary School Teachers Under Multiple Value Systems
    Authors: 陳琬蓉
    Chen, Wan-Rong
    Contributors: 鄭力軒
    Cheng, Li-Hsuan
    Chen, Wan-Rong
    Keywords: 親師生關係
    Parent-Teacher-Student Relationships
    Relational Work
    Gift Economy
    1999 Petition System
    Sociology of Valuation
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:41:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在尊師重道的傳統文化下,台灣教師普遍傾向「何必曰利」的公益服務邏輯,訴諸道德價值,彷彿在教育場域觸碰金錢便踩到敏感界線。然而,實際上學校的運作、親師生三方的關係皆蘊含著大量的金錢議題,致使本研究欲觀察教育場域在多重價值下如何重劃金錢的敏感界線,何種錢象徵著關係和諧,哪些又將帶來衝突隱憂?並透過半結構式深度訪談法和參與式觀察法,比較公立中學和私立國際學校的結構差異,從金錢的社會意義探討教師角色與價值的劇烈轉變。
    In Taiwan's traditional culture, which elevates the profession of "educator" to one of high esteem, teachers are inclined to work without any expectation of personal profit or self-interest. Such an attitude seems to be one of moral significance, where the very topic of money places an educator close to violating the ethical standards of their vocation. However, in reality, issues surrounding money are deeply embedded in the operation of schools and in the relationships among parents, teachers, and students. This paper explores how these sensitive boundaries surrounding money are redrawn in the educational field amidst multiple values. What types of monetary exchanges symbolize harmonious relationships, and which ones pose risks of conflict? Using semi-structured in-depth interviews and participant observation, this paper compares the structural differences between public middle schools and private international schools, examining the shifting role and values of teachers through the social meanings of money.
    As parental involvement in education has significantly increased in recent years, the nature of parent-teacher relationships has also evolved. Teachers may invest their own money to build relationships, or expend considerable effort in student discipline, academic counseling, and special caring for students with disabilities. From Zelizer's perspective on "relational work," the opportunities and demands for relational labor between parents and teachers have surged, giving rise to an interactive model of "collaborative parenting." When teachers devote significant effort to emotional labor, parents develop a sense of obligation to reciprocate, defining and strengthening social relationships through gift-giving. These gifts tend to emphasize symbolic rather than economic value, favoring souvenirs or handmade, personalized presents that signify equality and mutual reciprocity. Furthermore, this practice is shaped by class and gender, with upper-middle-class mothers being the primary participants in gift exchanges. This shift toward symbolic value can also be observed in the evolving culture of teacher appreciation banquets in recent years.
    Amid social changes such as declining birth rates, democratization, and economic development, the educational landscape has undergone a process of "compressed modernity." The collectivist school culture of the past has faded, with students increasingly aware of their rights and shifting toward individualism. Simultaneously, the once-revered "sacred profession" of teaching shows signs of becoming service-oriented, as teachers' traditional authority faces challenges from rising student rights awareness. Additionally, the establishment of Taiwan’s 1999 Petition system has facilitated anonymous complaints and excessive lawsuits, further restricting teachers’ authority. As conflicts between teachers, parents, and students become more frequent, educators have begun to "draw boundaries" by emphasizing the economic value of their labor rather than assessing their work through social values.
    This emerging culture of appeal has altered the social atmosphere in education, affecting teachers’ sense of self-worth and devaluing their relationships. Therefore, this paper calls for public attention to the importance of relationships in the educational field, warning against the dehumanization of schools due to excessive appeals. It also recommends policy reforms to improve the appeal review process, ensuring a balanced approach that safeguards teachers’ enthusiasm for teaching, students’ rights to appeal, and parents’ reasonable oversight, ultimately restoring trust among teachers, parents, and students.
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