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    题名: 馬來西亞農曆新年音樂錄影帶中品牌植入效果
    The Effectiveness of Brand Placements in Malaysian Chinese New Year Music Videos
    作者: 陸欣柔
    Rol, Lok Zen
    贡献者: 蔡葵希
    Christine Cook
    Lok Zen Rol
    关键词: 馬來西亞
    Brand Placements
    Malaysian Chinese New Years
    Music Videos
    Marketing Strategy
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 14:37:44 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 馬來西亞是全球製作農曆新年音樂影片數量最多的國家,其中大部分影片至少包含一個品牌植入。本研究旨在探討品牌記憶、態度以及馬來西亞消費者行為意圖的影響。隨著傳統廣告方式逐漸失效,市場行銷人員正探索更具針對性的策略,例如產品植入,特別是在農曆新年這樣的節慶期間。馬來西亞農曆新年音樂影片市場為這些策略提供了獨特的機會。
    Malaysia produces the highest number of Chinese New Year music videos globally, with most featuring at least one brand placement. This study investigates the impact of brand memory, attitudes, and behavioral intentions among Malaysians. As traditional advertising methods lose effectiveness, marketers are exploring targeted approaches like product placements, particularly during festive seasons. The Malaysian Chinese New Year music video market presents a unique opportunity for such strategies.
    This research focuses on five Chinese New Year music videos with over 4 million views on YouTube, utilizing convenience sampling to gather responses from Malaysians. Key findings reveal a positive relationship between the enjoyment of brand placements and the intention to share content, indicating that engaging, festive videos can significantly amplify brand exposure. Additionally, the study highlights that marketers should prioritize enhancing the quality and content of music videos rather than relying on repetitive product placements.
    Overall, this research underscores the potential of well-executed brand placements in Malaysian Chinese New Year music videos to boost brand awareness, influence consumer behavior, and extend reach through emotional resonance and content sharing. These findings provide valuable insights for marketers seeking to refine their advertising strategies during festive season.
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