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    题名: 社會工作者對老年人性表達之態度初探-以老人福利機構社工員為例
    A Preliminary Study on Social Workers' Attitudes Toward Sexual Expression in Older Adults: A Case Study of Social Workers in Senior Citizen Welfare Institutions
    作者: 吳東運
    Wu, Dong-Yun
    贡献者: 呂寶靜
    Lu, Pau-Ching
    Wu, Dong-Yun
    关键词: 老人福利機構
    Senior Citizen Welfare Institutions
    Social worker
    Older adults
    Attitudes Toward Sexual Expression
    日期: 2025
    上传时间: 2025-03-03 14:34:25 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 性權利已被界定為基本人權之一,然而在長期照顧機構內住民的性表達仍面臨多重阻礙,其中包括機構工作人員的態度。社工員作為機構專業團隊的一員,然有關社工員對住民性表達的態度為何,目前研究尚付之闕如。是以,本研究以我國老人福利機構社工員為研究對象,探討其對機構住民性表達的態度,同時調查接受老年人性表達的專業訓練,以及經歷機構住民性表達之情形。本研究目的包括:(一)調查老人福利機構社工員在實務中所經歷之機構住民性表達之情形;(二)調查老人福利機構社工員對機構住民不同類型性表達之態度;(三)分析與老人福利機構社工員對機構住民性表達態度之影響因素;(四)根據研究結果,提出對社工教育及在職訓練的相關建議。
    Sexual rights are recognized as fundamental human rights. However, residents in long-term care institutions continue to encounter numerous barriers to sexual expression, including the attitudes of institutional staff. As integral members of the professional team within these institutions, social workers play a crucial role. Nevertheless, there is limited research exploring social workers' attitudes toward residents' sexual expression. Therefore, this study focuses on social workers in Taiwan’s Senior Citizen Welfare Institutions, examining their attitudes toward residents' sexual expression, their exposure to professional training on this topic, and their practical experiences related to residents' sexual expression. The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) to examine social workers' experiences with residents' sexual expression in Senior Citizen Welfare Institutions; (2) to investigate social workers' attitudes toward various forms of sexual expression among residents; (3) to analyze the factors that influence social workers' attitudes toward residents' sexual expression; and (4) to provide recommendations for social work education and in-service training based on the findings of the study.
    Through an online questionnaire, a total of 108 valid responses were collected. The results indicate that participants generally held neutral to tolerant attitudes toward residents' sexual expression, demonstrating greater tolerance for "non-genital sexual expressions" compared to "genital sexual expressions." Additionally, most respondents believed that residents' sexual expression should occur within the context of a stable relationship. Bivariate analysis revealed that factors such as "institution type," "availability of single rooms," and scores on the "Interpersonal Relationships and Social Participation" subscale significantly influenced social workers' attitudes, while demographic variables had no significant effect. Regarding social workers' practical experiences with residents' sexual expression, a greater number of participants reported observing "non-genital sexual expressions" compared to "genital sexual expressions." Additionally, concerning training on elderly sexual expression, respondents indicated that they received more training through "in-service training" than through "formal academic courses." The overwhelming majority of respondents also advocated for the integration of education on elderly sexual expression into both university curricula and in-service training programs.
    Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are proposed: (1) incorporate knowledge about elderly sexual expression into formal curricula and in-service training programs; (2) include information on elderly sexual expression in official textbooks; (3) foster students' self-awareness and tolerance; (4) provide diverse methods for in-service training; (5) pay attention to social workers’ attitudes toward elderly sexual expression; and (6) address and challenge stereotypes among social workers and social work students regarding the elderly.
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