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    Title: 不對稱關係下的鐵路政治學:中、越交通網絡合作的個案分析
    Unpacking the Politics of Railway under Asymmetrical Relations: A case study of Sino-Vietnamese Practice
    Authors: 郭立興
    Kuo, Li-Hsing
    Contributors: 楊昊
    Yang, Hao
    Kuo, Li-Hsing
    Keywords: 鐵路政治學
    Railway Politics
    Hanoi Metro Line 2A
    Asymmetric Relationship
    Railway Infrastructure
    Date: 2025
    Issue Date: 2025-03-03 14:30:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2013年9月,習近平提出一帶一路倡議的核心戰略,中國透過發放融資及貸款等方式於沿線國進行各項基礎建設與經濟合作,藉以輻射並擴大國際影響力。其中,緊鄰中國的越南亦無可避免成為一帶一路倡議下的一員,近年來中國積極與越南進行鐵路合作並實施如河內輕軌2號線等交通網絡基礎建設,但越南方面似乎有所顧忌,並有抵抗的情形發生。中、越兩國之間的互動關係由來已久,兩國於政治體制、文化脈絡上具有相似性,地緣上亦具有鄰近性,諸多因素導致越南對於中國產生疑懼心理,因中、越兩國間的權力差異懸殊,具有極大的不對稱性,爰本文嘗試結合政治學中的權力論、吳本立的不對稱關係理論、斯考特的弱者的武器主張、學者楊昊的威脅感知理論及國際關係理論中關於避險及軟制衡等理論觀點切入,試圖解釋越南身處一帶一路倡議戰略影響力下,對於中國鐵路基礎建設交通網絡推展的應對方式及背後因素。本文提供一個由權力論觀點研究中國一帶一路倡議推動鐵路基礎建設進行探討的不同視角,觀察近來中、越兩國間的外交表述及互動情形發現,越南對於中國的威脅感知圖像似乎有呈現位移的趨勢。此外,本文發現,中國為擴張其地緣政治影響力,爰以國家的力量為主軸積極於越南推動鐵路基礎建設,面對中國殷切的合作態度,越南一開始是以審慎的態度進行回應,而其背後因素應與國家安全有關。
    In September 2013, Xi Jinping launched the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure development strategy aimed at expanding China's economic and political influence. By providing financing and loans, China has been actively involved in infrastructure projects and economic cooperation with numerous countries along the proposed routes. Vietnam, as a close neighbor of China, and the comrade based on Socialist ideology has inevitably been drawn into this initiative.
    In recent years, China has significantly intensified its railway cooperation with Vietnam, undertaking projects such as Hanoi Metro Line 2A. However, Vietnam has expressed reservations and even resistance to these initiatives. This thesis seeks to explain Vietnam's responses to China's railway infrastructure projects in line with the BRI, focusing on the underlying factors that shape Vietnam's perceptions and actions.
    The historical relationship between China and Vietnam is intricate, characterized by both similarities (e.g., ideologies, political systems, cultural contexts) and significant differences (e.g., power asymmetry), fostering a long-lasting distrust among the Vietnamese people toward China. To analyze Vietnam's behavior, this thesis draws upon various theoretical frameworks, including power politics, which emphasizes the role of power imbalances in shaping international relations; Brantly Womack's asymmetry theory, which highlights the dynamics of interactions between states with unequal power; James Scott's notion of the weapons of the weak, which explores how less powerful actors can resist dominant powers through indirect and subtle means; Alan H. Yang's concept of threat perception, which examines how states perceive threats and the implications for their foreign policies; and international relations concepts of hedging and soft balancing, which describe strategies that weaker states employ to manage their relationships with more powerful ones.
    By analyzing the recent diplomatic discourses and interactions between China and Vietnam, this paper finds a shifting trend in Vietnam's perception of China as a threat. China, driven by its desire to expand its geopolitical influence, has been aggressively promoting railway infrastructure projects in Vietnam. In response, Vietnam has adopted a cautious approach, primarily motivated by national security concerns.
    Reference: 中文文獻

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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110922015
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